Subject: 4 New MATRIX Videos Just Uploaded
4 New MATRIX Videos Just Uploaded
June 28th, 2020 at 9:30 am EDT4 New MATRIX Videos Just Uploaded...that's 42+ and growing...CONTACT FLOW DEEP DIVE #4:NO GOAL AS GOAL(mtrx 2-1-20) Learn to recognize the moment the opponent’s movement changes – he will stiffen.Vice versa, learn not to lock up but to release ...
Another Pro Endorsement
June 4th, 2020 at 11:47 am EDTThe Blue Ribbon Standard The reality and honesty of [Guided Chaos] sets this aside as the blue ribbon standard all others should strive to attain. GM Perkins' genius is how simple and achievable he has made his gift. I started my journey in the ...
Wow That Was Fast...
June 2nd, 2020 at 11:04 am EDTCOMBAT BALANCE BOARDSSold Out for NowBut...► In a sign that everybody is really hungry to train while in lock down, we just sold out of Balance Boards FASTER than it's ever happened before. ► We will be making more soon and will probably have t ...
Combat Balance Boards Are Back
June 1st, 2020 at 9:30 am EDTCOMBAT BALANCE BOARDSAre Back!Plus FREE Training VideoBalance is USELESS unless it's DYNAMIC ...So How Do I Get It? In order to develop balance for combat you have to constantly challenge your body's equilibrium in a varied and free-form manner. ...