Subject: Your Last Minute Gift SOLUTION
Your Last Minute Gift SOLUTION
December 21st, 2014 at 8:57 am EDTISSUE #260 GUIDED CHAOS NEWS | EndorsementsYOUR LAST MINUTE HOLIDAY GIFT SOLUTION! ON DEMAND INSTANT DOWNLOADS All* of our Guided Chaos ON DEMAND videos are available until Dec. 26 at 20% off! *(Except already d ...
20% Off Christmas Sale Starts Now
December 8th, 2014 at 8:50 am EDTISSUE #259 GUIDED CHAOS NEWS | Endorsements20% OFF* CHRISTMAS SALE--STARTS NOW *Does not apply to already discounted DVD Combos. Order now and receive a 20% Paypal rebate within 48 hours. SLAMBAGS too! For ON DEMA ...
Very Sad News
November 28th, 2014 at 9:21 am EDTISSUE #260 GUIDED CHAOS NEWSThis is a very difficult newsletter to write, especially during this holiday time...but with a heavy heart we regret to inform the entire GC community of the passing yesterday of Tim Carron: friend ...
Practice Groundfighting Not Just for Groundfighting
November 24th, 2014 at 9:00 am EDTISSUE #258 GUIDED CHAOS NEWS EndorsementsPRACTICE GROUNDFIGHTING NOT JUST FOR GROUNDFIGHTING by Ari Kandel, GC 4th degree [editor's note: You can read this great article as well as other terrific pieces and blog posts ...
Can You Mix Other Arts with Guided Chaos?
November 5th, 2014 at 9:00 am EDTISSUE #257 GUIDED CHAOS NEWS EndorsementsCAN YOU MIX OTHER ARTS WITH GUIDED CHAOS? "BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS" by Ari Kandel, GC 4th degree [editor's note: You can read this great article as well as other terrific piece ...
The Biggest Improvement You'll Ever Make...
October 24th, 2014 at 2:04 pm EDTISSUE #256 GUIDED CHAOS NEWS EndorsementsMAKE THE BIGGEST IMPROVEMENT IN YOUR SELF DEFENSE EVER AT THE SAN FRANCISCO "GHOST HITTING" SEMINAR NOV. 8-9 NOV How Do We Know? Just Ask People Who Went to the UK Seminar! "Wo ...
Discount Ends in 5 Days: San Fran Seminar
September 26th, 2014 at 2:57 pm EDTISSUE #255 GUIDED CHAOS NEWS EndorsementsEARLY ORDER DISCOUNT ENDS IN 5 DAYS: SAN FRANCISCO "GHOST HITTING" SEMINAR NOV. 8-9. EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT ENDS OCTOBER 1ST "Spooky" maybe...but there will be no "supernatural c ...
Adapt Or Die
September 6th, 2014 at 8:19 pm EDTWelcome to GUIDED CHAOS NEWS! | Endorsements MANY OF YOU MAY HAVE MISSED THIS NEWSLETTER... It has come to my attention that, due to a glitch in our system, most of our new subscribers have missed out on the vital 1st ...
20% Off Labor Day Sale
August 28th, 2014 at 12:38 pm EDTISSUE #254 GUIDED CHAOS NEWS Endorsements20% OFF LABOR DAY SALE--THROUGH TUESDAY GET A 20% PAYPAL REBATE ON ALL OUR DVDS* (*except on already discounted Combos) Place your order and we will rebate you via Paypal with ...
San Francisco Seminar: Ghost Hitting
August 26th, 2014 at 8:50 am EDTISSUE #253 GUIDED CHAOS NEWS EndorsementsSAN FRANCISCO SEMINAR: "GHOST HITTING" NOV. 8-9 "Spooky" maybe...but there will be no "supernatural chi" crap in the Ghost Hitting Seminar--just nasty ways to: PENETRATE ENEM ...