Subject: Attackproof Newsletter # 148

Attackproof Newsletter # 148

March 26th, 2010 at 8:20 am EST

GUIDED CHAOS NEWS #148 ANNOUNCEMENTS:Sydney, Australia Seminar? Let us Know...We have an invitation and opportunity to possibly do a Seminar in Ozlate this year. To give us an idea of the interest level (and number ofinstructors we could ...

Attackproof Newsletter # 147

March 19th, 2010 at 8:25 am EST

GUIDED CHAOS NEWS #147 ANNOUNCEMENTS:"SHOW ME NOW!" INSTANT VIDEO LESSONSStarting later this year, will begin offeringsuper-condensed downloadable GCC and GC video lessonsfor sale. These will be approx. 3 minutes for $3 an ...

Attackproof Newsletter # 146 UPDATE-Resend

March 8th, 2010 at 7:13 am EST

GUIDED CHAOS NEWS #146--UPDATE, ALL EARTHQUAKE ISSUE ANNOUNCEMENTS:We're resending Newsletter 146 to welcome the flood of newcomers who are readersof Gerry Celente's Trends Journal and because #146 contains a very concise list ofcritical ... Newsletter # 146

March 4th, 2010 at 7:11 am EST

GUIDED CHAOS NEWS #146 ANNOUNCEMENTS:• GC BLACK BELTS GARY ABATELLI AND GERALD CELENTE ESCAPE FROM EARTHQUAKE-RAVAGED CHILEThanks to the advice of one of our students, they made their way to Argentina and from thereback to NY. They had b ...

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