Subject: Newsletter #57 Newsletter #57
August 24th, 2006 at 9:21 am EDT==================================== KI CHUAN DO TRAINING TIPS #57:==================================== VIDEO CLIPS BACK ON-LINE...MASS RUSH TO VIEW THE NEW GROUNDFIGHTING DVD VIDEO CLIPSCRASHED OUR WEBSITE SERVER! --We've got 1,000+ Newsletter su ... Newsletter #54
August 20th, 2006 at 3:23 am EDT=============================== KI CHUAN DO TRAINING TIPS #54:=============================== As an ATTACKPROOF.COM newsletter subscriber, we will be bringing you regular training tips and thoughts on combat from Grandmaster Perkins, Master Ridenhour ...
Attackproof Newsletter #56/ KCD GROUNDFIGHTING DVD is OUT!
August 20th, 2006 at 3:19 am EDT====================================== KI CHUAN DO TRAINING TIPS #56: ====================================== In today's issue: = KCD GUIDED CHAOS GROUNDFIGHTING DVD now on sale! = Overview of the KCD GUIDED CHAOS GROUNDFIGHTING DVD = VHS Close o ... Newsletter #55
August 4th, 2006 at 9:01 am EDT=============================== KI CHUAN DO TRAINING TIPS #55:=============================== As an ATTACKPROOF.COM newsletter subscriber, we will be bringing you regular training tips and thoughts on combat from Grandmaster Perkins, Master Ridenho ...