Subject: "What Do I Need to Work On?"

Issue #234 GUIDED CHAOS NEWS              | Endorsements
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"I just wanted to say once again thanks for the great training sessions these past few days. They were informative beyond words. These days of training gave me a whole new appreciation for Guided Chaos. What advice can you give me for progressing? What do you think I need to focus on most?"


For you the most important thing is learning to move more efficiently.  You have good athleticism, which at times causes your movement to become frenetic causing you to move more than you need to.  You need to refine your movement and learn to move “as little as you need”.  Which is easy to say yet hard to do because how little you need depends on your relationship at the time when you are moving with another person.

Remember that when you move too much for every inch of movement in excess of what is required you are forced to try to recover that space when you miss.  If you’re much faster than another person it is not that much of an issue however if the fight becomes protracted, or if the person you are dealing with is equally as fast, agile, very coordinated or if there are multiple attackers you’re going to be in a world of trouble.  The reason is there is a “timing” to striking people that cannot be ignored.


Think of it like this, hitting people in a real fight is much like hitting baseballs in that again there is a certain timing to it.  If you swing at the ball too soon you miss, if you swing too late you miss.  The timing must be precise and in order to get a good piece of the ball you also must be able to strike and penetrate the ball with the center of the sweet spot of the bat through the center of the ball striking it relatively flush to the balls surface.  When fighting for your life there is no substitute for victory. You must be “on", period.

Below are a couple of drills that you can do. Most are in our book and the Attackproof Companion Part 2 and Combat Conditioning videos (DVDs or On Demand Downloads) so I won’t go into detail here. Some are not specifically mentioned but are none the less good exercises.

Of course the following must be done, Ninja Walk, Vacuum Walk and Long Stepping.

 Also include:

-       Puppeteering exercise
-       RHEM exercise (see Attack Proof for explanation)

 Now add the following:

-       Extremely slow rolling the ball – Roll the ball slow smooth and even keeping the hips as level as possible, turning the shoulders smoothly and evenly with the feet firmly planted to the ground.  Ensure that you literally feel your weight shift from one root to the next.

 -       Extremely slow contact flow with a partner (Attackproof Companion Part 3, DVD or On Demand Download)- This is the one where you move (figuratively speaking) as slow as the hands on a clock with the idea of learning to move as unitized in your motion as possible.  No matter what, do not, do not, do not speed up even if your partner speeds up or you will lose the bubble on this.  This exercise will begin the process of allowing you to feel all of another person’s movements so that even in the slightest movement you can discern their intentions.  There is a higher level to this that we explain in Attack Proof, which I would re-read under “Sensitivity” and “How to Practice Contact Flow” to get a better understanding of this.

 -       Total Unitized Movement Drill – though not specifically addressed in “Attack Proof” it is based off of the RHEM and Puppeteering exercises in which, in everything you do throughout your day (hopefully without looking kooky) you want to move with “your whole body” behind everything that you do no matter how slight the movement.  If you pick something up, walking through a door, opening a door, picking up a cup of coffee or whatever, move with your whole body in a smooth, unitized, efficient manner.   After about a week what you will begin to notice is all of the inefficient movements that you make throughout the day (you’re going to be surprised how much you can learn about your movements from this practice).  Wherever in your movement you find inefficiency you want to work to remove it as quickly as possible. 

Remember this is just an exercise to help develop your body to be able to move at a much higher level through greater body unity.  This does not mean you ignore developing adaptability and greater creativity.  This is just an exercise to correct the superfluous motion that inhibits efficient movement or Economy of Movement.


Final note on this, as an advanced level to all of these exercises you’ll want to begin to move as graceful in everything you do from brushing your teeth, to sitting down, to pouring a cup of coffee or changing the channel with your remote being mindful of your movements.  Every movement counts and nothing you do must be random you must be mindful of “everything”.  Any “jerky” or “staccato” like movements must be eliminated as much as possible.  You must in the beginning get that ridiculous in order to become aware of your body’s movements.

The reason you must become mindful of everything is so that you can focus on ridding yourself of all of the little quirky things we all do that when moving “inadvertently” gives away our intentions when flowing.  After a while, (about a week or two) this will become second nature and just something you do out of habit.


Oh, sorry one more point and this is very important…

When you find yourself doing something that you want to correct do not get angry and "punish" yourself for it.  Just say to yourself "that was interesting, oh well", and go back to what you were doing.  I’m not kidding, "literally" say that to yourself.  The more you make a game of it the better, after a while the game becomes how quickly can I correct myself when I do these things, then it advances to how quickly can I correct myself and do something “completely different” but just as, if not more efficient, from what I did before just for the fun of it...and on it goes.  If you look at it in this fashion the faster you will develop it. 

By the way I still practice this to this day from time-to-time and it is amazing that even after all these years I still find a multitude of things that I can improve upon.
--LtCol Al
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Occasionally we get slightly imperfect DVDs from our duplicator: bad labeling, shrink-wrapping, discs loose inside the case, etc. that in no way affect their playability. We are selling them at 1/2 price (at our Elmsford school location only) for the asking. Email us if interested.

1/2 Price DVDs Available:
Companion Part 1, 2 and 3; Military & Police Combat Tactics; Kill the Enemy; Contact Flow Workshop; Slambag Training   


ll our DVDs (including DISCOUNTED COMBOS) are available as Downloads!
*iPhone: Use free iOS App "MOD Mobile"  *Android: Use the MOD CloudPlayer (streaming only).

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"Brilliant Self Defence System.
 I cannot get enough of it."

"It has all aspects of Self Protection covered in depth. Many thanks to all of the Guided Chaos Masters and Teachers. With great gratitude to GM Perkins for the wisdom and insight to create this System."

---Sifu Doug Clark, Instructor Level Technician of Ving Tsun and Practitioner of Tai Ji Quan

Blitz magazine article on Guided Chaos Australia Seminar:

"Let me start by saying I thought I'd seen all that the world of 'reality-based self defence' had to offer, so for the easily bored out there, I'll cut to the chase. What I witnessed on the weekend of 26 and 27 March is the closest thing I've come across that resembles a modern-day, reality-based martial art and not just another 'combatives system'. Does it work? Hell, yeah! I got my arse well and truly kicked and at times felt like I was in the middle of a Jason Bourne fight scene."
--Clive Girdham, former Senshido and Geoff Thompson instructor

[Excerpted from the exclusive review of the Guided Chaos Australia Seminar in the Aug. print edition of BLITZ MAGAZINE: Australia's #1 Martial Arts magazine volume 25, issue 6
"Guided Chaos is the only training in my 15 plus years of Corrections that translates into real world application, period."

"Guided Chaos is the only thing that has worked for me in real life
situations. Unless you are 6'3" and 285 lbs of muscle, most of the
Defensive Tactics stuff (ok all of the Defensive Tactics stuff) will get
you hurt. And even if you are that big and strong, there is always
someone bigger and stronger and there may be a lot of them. Nothing like
dealing with one guy and it turns into a free for all with all his
buddies. This is where you literally need to 'adapt or die' and Guided
Chaos is the only training in my 15 plus years of Corrections that
translates into real world application, period."
---Bob Miller, Corrections Officer at the largest facility in Oregon
"If I had to pick only one martial arts system in the world it would be Guided Chaos..."--Dr. Robert L. O'Block founder and publisher of the American College of Forensic Examiners International, American Board for Certification in Homeland Security

"...through watching videos put out by, and by
reading Attackproof, the book, I have learned real survival skills.
These skills have been an exponentially higher practical
yield-per-hour training rate than any other martial art classes or
seminar I've ever attended, or ever even heard rumor of."

--Matthew Shoener, Police Officer, Scranton, PA

"The Companion Video Part One is stupendous!

A godsend of detail for out-of-state practitioners."
--Mark from Chicago

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