Subject: Train at Home with the MATRIX Discount

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Brand New MATRIX Video Just Uploaded:

From the 8/12/18 N.Y. Master Class

What's in it?
  • Grandmaster John Perkins shows how going slowly is fundamental to proper Contact Flow practice.
  • How to train totally uncooperatively – except with regard to speed.
  • GM John shows how if you do this, you automatically develop Ghosting. Going slow makes you light which also increases your Sensitivity. It also teaches you to anticipate and to move first. You move yourself out of the way instead of clashing.
  • When you are out of the way you can isolate, hit and move them easily.
  • When you move with the entire body you can get underneath all your strikes and have enormous power to break, move or stop their motion, augmented by dropping.
  • GM John shows that when you train this way, you become unstoppable when you go fast.
  • Moving your whole body all the time also develops your 360 degree balance.
  • Each movement uses a Drop and the “Descending Parabola” principle.
  • This is where developing your creativity is critical. John shows you how. You cannot get this from virtually any other martial art training modality. Practicing typical “moves” and techniques can get you killed.
Practicing this way from the very beginning takes you out of your own head so your subconscious does all the heavy lifting. 
  • John shows how even practicing a stylized “yielding and returning” motion --as is trained in many internal arts-- destroys your creativity and is a recipe for disaster amidst real violence. GM John shows how Guided Chaos training develops simultaneous yielding and returning instead of separating them (like in most internal systems) into 2 separate actions.
  • John shows how “Pulsing” can be used to move, springboard and/or destroy (see Attackproof Companion Part 3 for full explanation).
  • Wow. You really will really learn a lot when you use the MATRIX slo-mo/loop function to see John’s free-form, high speed, multi-joint, economical yield and return strikes. 
  • GM John shows how by “helping” the enemy’s incoming strikes go where they want to go (but being out of the way) you increase their over-travel, making them easier to unbalance and hit.
  • From any direction you need to be able to change and move.
  • John shows how to use simple, non-stylized kicks creatively within flow practice while maintaining and developing your balance.
  • Now add “Rocket-Stepping” for extreme power (see Companion Part 2 and GC Combatives videos for full explanations).
  • John shows application of all the above to multiple-attackers.
  • John explains how the above training takes you beyond merely “reacting” to "pre-acting” because your enhanced sensitivity extends beyond touch and you are always on the move, thus throwing a monkey wrench into whatever they’re doing.
  • John shows when you do all of the above, you will automatically be building your combat efficiency and economy of motion. You train free, creative motion all the time and you automatically start paring down excessive motion – but only if you practice as shown.

Sound Interesting?

► Every Matrix Video has a text outline of principles explained and demonstrated in the video. You can see these text outlines even if you haven't purchased an individual video or a membership.
"The depth of knowledge explained and demonstrated by Grandmaster Perkins in these videos is available nowhere else."

Know What Else Is Interesting?

Practicing your "Social Distancing" (Personal Comfort Zone) and avoiding crowds? Washing your hands and beating the hell out of your B.O.B., Slambagand Balance Board? Well, while you're doing that, why not immerse yourself in exclusive John Perkins training videos and deep dive into the GC MATRIX?

➤ Save $5 on Monthly:
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➤ Save $50 on Yearly:
Use Discount Code 1MTRX50 in cart


Universal Martial Movement
Mad Squirrel Productions Inc., P.O. Box 163, 10520, Croton, United States
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