Subject: John Perkins "In Memorium"


Grandmaster John Coy Perkins

March 31, 1951 – July 2, 2023

Retired police officer and forensic expert

Martial arts grandmaster and founder

Friend, mentor, guide, teacher, surrogate father and brother to many

Lover of people and freedom

Truly one of a kind

The match has gone out. May the life-saving fire it lit forever rage.

From the beginning of his life, John’s mind worked differently. The smallest suggestion or challenge sparked infinite efforts and directions of seeking and solving. John’s inner life and imagination were unique and his efforts to share them with the world served to enrich, illuminate and save the lives of MANY who were lucky enough to have been touched by them.

As John’s mind worked differently, he learned to train his body to move and perceive differently as well. From his earliest challenges at age 5, dealing with his physically imposing family members, John knew he needed to figure out a different way. And so he did. The martial arts ideas and training methods he devised, based on his prodigious experiences with real violence and other training methods, coalesced into an utterly unique and effective martial art. It was through martial arts that most of us first came to know John, as it was his primary passion and tool for sharing his inner life with the world. John’s art, ingenious and adaptable, is simultaneously the best solution to quickly improve the self-defense capability of any student requiring a “quick fix” via short term training, while also providing more than a lifetime’s worth of depth and physical/mental/spiritual discovery for the most dedicated martial artist.

John highly valued freedom. His martial art emphasizes freedom of motion and freedom of thought, eschewing traditional patterns and prescribed techniques in favor of free associative training methods intended to allow the body and mind to adapt subconsciously and creatively to ever changing and unpredictable circumstances. John loved to help free his students from their physical and mental boxes, and to stimulate their martial and personal creativity. A child of the ‘60’s at heart, John had high hopes that the messages of free love and personal liberation he experienced at Woodstock would actually spread to bring peace and a higher consciousness to the world. While he was dismayed to see the march of freedom sometimes going backwards, particularly in politics, he succeeded in living his own life according to his principles.

Many of John’s closest friends have lamented that his life might have been more comfortable had he accepted or imposed some structure in his art, life and relationships. For better or worse, he would have none of that. He lived, loved and gave freely, without hesitation. All of us have benefited from his generosity. John retained close friends from childhood to his last day, and made countless others along the way. Even when circumstances forced some friends away for some time, John welcomed them back when they were ready. Acutely aware of his own and others’ frailties and foibles, John’s forgiveness and understanding were as limitless as his love.

John built his life helping people find their own freedom and creativity. He went to great lengths to ensure his martial arts circle became NOT a cult or hierarchy, but a loose band of partners eager to help each other. Many students who came to John for training after excelling in other martial arts were shocked to find such a talented and experienced martial arts master to be an exceptionally humble, jovial and engaging storyteller, in stark contrast to the depth and seriousness of his uncompromising teachings.

And ah, the stories. . . .

John’s life begat so many truly amazing, amusing and instructive stories, told by himself and many others, that it’s hard to fathom how they all fit into a mere 72 years. From encounters with murderously violent criminals, to life in a commune; from opera houses to the slums of Yonkers; from adventures in the mountains of upstate New York to dangerous security assignments overseas. John’s stories could fill several action movies, several more police memoirs, a few true romance novels, and maybe some travel and wilderness guides. John was always generous with his stories, for their educational and entertainment value. Having heard so many over the last 20 years, in class and in diners and over the phone, I was not surprised to learn that there were plenty I had never heard before, as of our last conversation, July 1. And we will no doubt enjoy many more, from his many friends and partners, for many years to come.

Over the last few years, John was certainly frustrated by the reduction in freedom of movement imposed by his thoroughly worn out body. However, his mind never stopped seeking and creating, coming up with more and better ways to help his students and friends along their journeys. The best way we can honor him is to continue to do the same. While I doubt any one of us has absorbed more than a tiny fraction of John’s knowledge, together we can carry on his legacy by doing our best to help others in the free, sharing spirit John personified.

Many people credit John and his teachings for saving their lives, in many cases physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. John empowered us all to do the same.

John, our beloved friend, mentor and guide, you are now truly free. We’d like to imagine you are enjoying limitless conversation and maybe even some training with Tim and your other friends and family who went before. Thank you for all that you gave and will continue to give, through the many you influenced. Until we meet again.

--Ari Kandel

John Perkins "In Memorium":

It seems like only yesterday that we lost him...

If you have any solo personal photos of John you'd like to share with the world for this memorial page, please email to mattkovsky@guidedchaoscombativesDOTcom (replace DOT with a period ".") or just reply to this Newsletter.

Also, so many of you have posted personal, moving and heartwarming testimonials about John on facebook but, as we all know, facebook posts get pushed way down after just a short period of time by newer posts and get lost.

We'd like to add these to the "In Memorium" page to stand as a testament to John for all time, so if you are so inclined, please also forward your testimonials to mattkovsky@guidedchaoscombativesDOTcom (or just reply to this Newsletter) and we will post them as time and space permits...

And thanks again to Ari Kandel for his deeply poignant eulogy...