Subject: Welcome Aboard! Getting Started With Guaranteed Downline Club

Welcome aboard!

Now that you are settled in this should be easy. Just advertise your 'Affiliate URL' any and everywhere you can (legally and without Spamming anyone).

But before you do it is crucial that you read the FAQ page! Just hover your mouse pointer over the 'More Money' tab near the top of the page and click 'FAQ's.

Your goal is to build a big list of people or prospects for yourself to ultimately get them to follow you into a future paying business or program.

This will be your own list of people and we are paying you to grow it. You may email your list as this is "your" list. You will be passing up every other member that you sponsor to your sponsor; unless you have the Money Plug in (MPI).

You keep the first member, pass the next, keep the next and so on. Remember that means that those who you sponsor must pass up every other member to you unless they have the MPI.

You can find out about the Money Plug In by clicking 'Money Plug in' on the menu bar near the top of the page.

Later You can check out the 'Promotional URL's' page and the Free Lead System and Make Money Even there.

 Check everything out and if you have questions either ask ME ( or login and open a support ticket, we are here for you.

We did a fantastic "First Webinar" that is loaded with tons of information that is crucial which every member should know.

It's time to get busy now and grow that list and make some Money!

Thank you,

Manuela Vincent

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