Subject: GTX Corp/CEO Comments on NY Senator Chuck Schumer’s Proposed Funding for Tracking Devices for Autistic Children

GTX Products Ideally Positioned to Provide Total Solution for Autistic Children

Los Angeles, Calif. – February 5, 2014 – GTX Corp. (OTCQB: GTXO) Chief Executive Officer, Patrick Bertagna, commented on the proposed legislation brought by New York Senator Chuck Schumer related to GPS tracking devices for autistic children.  GTX Corp. is a leading provider of personal location services and wearable technologies, including a patented GPS shoe for individuals afflicted with Alzheimer’s at risk of wandering.  The shoe was recognized in an exhibit of the “Top 100 Inventions in History” by the National Museum of Science and Technology in Stockholm, Sweden in 2012.  The Company is currently piloting a “GPS SmartSole” insert, which can be used in virtually any shoe, including those of children.

“All of us at GTX applaud Senator Schumer’s ‘Avonte’s Law’ proposal to provide funding for tracking technologies for autistic children,” remarked Mr. Bertagna. “The story of Avonte Oquendo (a 14-year autistic boy who wandered from his Queens, NY school in October, and whose body was found more than 3 months later) highlights the need for technologies that can locate and provide the safe return of those at risk of wandering within minutes, versus the hours, weeks, or even months that most often ends in tragedy.  These same technologies can also reduce or even eliminate the need for massive rescue operations like those seen in the search for Avonte, and which threaten to strain public resources due to the increase in aging and special needs populations in the years ahead.”

While GPS technologies can be provided in a number of formats, confusion and paranoia are among the primary manifestations of at risk populations, resulting in a need for technologies that are inconspicuous to the user.


“We know that individuals with cognitive deficits tend to remove items placed upon them with which they are unfamiliar and/or they view as a stigma issue,” states Andrew Carle, an internationally recognized expert on assistive technologies and an advisor to GTX.  “Worse, locking such devices in place can cause significant emotional distress to those with paranoia, including harming themselves in an attempt to remove the technology.  Placing GPS tracking in an insole, shoe or other discreet wearable maximizes the odds it will be in place when needed, without compromising dignity or exacerbating confusion or fear.” In addition to shoes and insoles, GTX also incorporates its GPS tracking technology in backpacks carried by children to school.


“Coupled with our unique form factor, our tracking software platform has been used in the market for several years for tracking people and high value items, with proven results,” says Bertagna.  “Through features such as ‘geofencing’, caregivers can easily program multiple perimeters, which when breached can provide automatic text or email alerts letting them know their loved one not only left a designated perimeter (home, school, or other location), but also where they actually are by providing a current Google map location. This tracking continues even if the wearer is in motion - walking, running, or even in a moving vehicle.”


“We wish Senator Schumer and his team the best in progressing their legislation, and GTX stands ready to support the cause with our wearable technology tracking solutions.”



About GTX Corp (GTXO)

GTX Corp is a pioneer in wearable technology and a leader in enterprise 2 way GPS real-time personal location based services. Known for its game-changing and award-winning patented GPS Smart Shoe, its block buster Smartphone GPS Tracking App, and GPS SmartSole, GTX provides solutions that answer the “where is” question: where is my child, pet, vehicle and high value assets.


Through a robust enterprise platform and licensing business model the Company offers a complete end to end solution of hardware, middleware, apps, connectivity and professional services. Letting you know where or how someone or something is at the touch of a button delivers security and peace of mind. GTX Corp also owns and operates LOCiMOBILE, Inc which develops applications for smart phones and tablets and Code Amber Alertag. The Company has an aggressive intellectual property strategy and owns an extensive portfolio of patents, patents pending, registered trade marks, copy rights and URL's.





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