Subject: The 3rd spooky Christmas ghost

The 3rd spooky Christmas ghost

December 22nd, 2022 at 8:05 am EDT

The final email about group lessons fears! View online The past few days we’ve been dealing with the “ghosts” that haunt most studio owners when it comes to starting group lessons. Just like Mr. Scrooge, I’d like these “ghosts” to teach ...

Special Needs Students

December 19th, 2022 at 8:15 am EDT

View onlineI wanted to take a moment here during our “group lessons” month to shine a spotlight on a really important topic… A simple question. Have you ever felt a little out of your depth when teaching special needs piano students? Perhaps th ...

New Blog Post! Group Piano

December 16th, 2022 at 1:00 pm EDT

View onlineIs it possible to give students a rigorous education in a group class setting? That’s the topic of a new blog post on In this new post, you will: Learn the five elements of a successful group piano classDiscover how Pian ...

Group Lessons: Recital and Exam Prep

December 15th, 2022 at 8:51 am EDT

View onlineAll month long, we are going to be focusing on group lessons… In fact, I’m going to deal with 5 common fears next week that studio owners have about starting (or fully committing) to a group lesson program. These will apply to you whet ...

Do you not care about group lessons?

December 14th, 2022 at 8:30 am EDT

View onlineThroughout the month of December, I will be sending a number of educational resources to you. They will be about teaching group lessons in your studio… whether online or in person. Even though this will be helpful, I know that... … may ...

Group Lessons for Your Studio?

December 13th, 2022 at 7:54 pm EDT

View onlineYou are receiving this email because you’ve signed up to receive educational emails about studio growth from Grow Your Music Studio. Since 2017, I have helped over 400 studios convert to group lessons. Some of these studios are smaller ( ...

For music schools with 150+ students

December 2nd, 2022 at 8:15 am EDT

View onlineIf you own a music school with 150+ students… And have a piano program… You are going to want to check out two resources that were released this week. We released a new podcast this week about a better structure for enrolling new stude ...


November 23rd, 2022 at 2:15 pm EDT

View onlineEarlier this year, we released a podcast episode with Greg Genter… the inventor of a new group lesson method called Piano Express. Piano Express is a group piano method and curriculum designed with mid-size and large schools in mind. One ...

No More Emails

November 19th, 2022 at 2:05 pm EDT

This is my last educational email to you View onlineNovember is a “get more students” month here at And we’ve been sending out a lot of emails about marketing, growth, etc. And, unless you’ve applied to be in our Stu ...

Expensive art or a scam?

November 18th, 2022 at 9:05 am EDT

View onlineTake a look at this art... Is this worth $84,000? Because that’s what the artist who created it says it is worth. He was given that money to create “art” for a museum in Denmark… After a while, he gave them these two framed canvas ...