Subject: Sometimes you need a helping hand

Sometimes you need a helping hand

December 5th, 2016 at 2:12 pm EDT

Good afternoon! Hello, this is Daniel from the Grow blog. I have been quiet. I have not written a new post for the Grow Your Music Studio blog in over six weeks. Why? Because I have been making something for those of you who want to learn more about ...

Read my new blog post

October 13th, 2016 at 9:20 am EDT

Hello! Today's post is the first in a series of posts that begins to reveal exactly how I run my studio's group lesson programs. Today, I will show you how to make $10,000 month teaching piano - with no additional staff, no stress, an ...

[NEW BLOG] What Does Your Website Really Say About Your Music Studio?

September 22nd, 2016 at 9:05 am EDT

Hello! This summer I've had the opportunity to personally talk to over four dozen teachers who read this blog. They've come for advice, instruction, coaching, and career support! A consistent theme that I heard from teachers was that they were disapp ...

#1 Question Asked About Group Lessons

September 20th, 2016 at 2:48 pm EDT

Good afternoon! I have been quiet for a month. I have some big things in the works here at the Grow Your Music Studio blog. Since the beginning of the year, many of you have asked about group lessons. I'm preparing a series of posts a ...

[NEW BLOG] The Science of Getting New Students

August 18th, 2016 at 9:05 am EDT

Greetings! Today's post is the second post in a series of blogs about becoming a persuasive teacher. Our brain uses mental shortcuts. It has been built into our biology. These shortcuts help us cope with many life circumstances that have no clear “ ...

The best of Grow Your Music Studio

August 5th, 2016 at 10:32 am EDT

Friend, Summer can get awfully busy! I wanted to share some of the best posts that I've published over the summer. This is an encore - for those who might have missed them the first time around! Including: - The smart way to do back to scho ...

[CASE STUDY] Kaitlyn: From Public School to Private Teaching

July 28th, 2016 at 9:48 am EDT

A Change of Pace There is a new post on the blog... but today's post is quite different. There are now over a thousand weekly readers of this blog. I've heard something very interesting from some readers. "Daniel, you have great advice... but it's ea ...

Re: Survey on Piano Blog

July 19th, 2016 at 2:14 am EDT

A quick email, following up with everyone who anonymously answered the survey from last week on the Grow Your Music Studio blog. A number of people filled out the section at the end saying they needed help with their marketing. However, about 2/3rds ...

Grow Your Music Studio - Live!

July 14th, 2016 at 9:14 am EDT

Good day to you! Today is the day that I would have normally published a new blog post. However, I’ve been quite busy lately. My next post will be delayed a little bit (should be out within a week’s time). In the meantime, I have another plan in ...

Teachers: Back-to-school scheduling a hassle?

July 11th, 2016 at 7:08 am EDT

Each fall, I have to schedule approximately 100 students. During the past 12 years, I have tried many different methods of scheduling students. Almost all were inefficient, frustrating, and time-consuming. These included: Paper and pen Email Whiteboa ...