Subject: Your 6-Figure Roadmap

Yesterday, I announced the Make You Cry Challenge.

The goal?

For us to hand you a 6-Figure Income Roadmap for your business that’s so inspiring it literally makes you cry.

If you’d like something like that… I invite you to read the rest of the email to learn how we arrive at that for my clients… because you are free to use that process for yourself.

Over the past few years, we’ve personally coached or mentored owners of small studios to multiple owners of studios that are already doing over $1M per year.

One of the tools we use to surface goals and obstacles is called “The 4 Questions.”

And, as soon as we get the answers to those questions…

We can see the “work”... We know the game plan.

The good news is that answering the questions themselves is a HUGE “Ah ha!” moment for them…

Because most people don’t take the time to get really clear on what they want or what’s stopping them from getting it.

Yes! Even the owners of 7-figure businesses!

In a minute, I’m going to share the 4 questions with you.

But first…

Crazy Guarantee

Reminder: I’m putting my money where my mouth is with the Make You Cry


If you enter our Studio Growth Accelerator 1:1 coaching program and your 6-Figure Roadmap doesn’t blow you away—if you don’t get a little misty-eyed or at least beyond excited about your studio, your growth potential—I’ll not only give you a full refund…

I’ll also give you $250 bucks to hire another coach.

Apply before EOD Saturday to get all the details.

The 4 Questions

As I mentioned, this is a tool that I’ve used with many clients…

Including a client of one of our coaches (Alyssa).

Meet Alyssa… one of the coaches here at GROW and owner of Musician’s Playground in Boston, MA

This client came to Alyssa when he was barely bringing home any money (after expenses) from his school…

He was working long hours…

And had just signed a commercial lease in an expensive suburb of a big Midwestern city.

Over the course of their coaching relationship, he grew from 75 students to over 300 students.

And, he has personally attested to the fact that Alyssa’s coaching got him through some REALLY dark days.

He was experiencing a lot of self-doubt.

Now? He has a school that runs on systems and a capable admin staff…

So he can be home every night to have dinner with his boys.

It all started with asking the IMPORTANT questions.

Here they are:


What are your specific, measurable goals for your studio business or for yourself? These could be short-term and long-term goals. Just put them in a one-sentence form (3 - 5 goals)


What are your specific obstacles or challenges in getting to these goals? Where are you frustrated or emotional or stuck? What is preventing you from getting to those goals you listed above? Again, a simple list is fine.


What questions do you have? What do you feel that you don't know that you need to know? List 3 or 5 or 10 questions that immediately come to your mind about your obstacles and goals or general business / marketing questions about your school and stage of growth.


What does your ROI need to be for it to make sense to invest in yourself and the business? Could be a money goal. However, this isn't necessarily a monetary answer (For example: "I am working 10-11 hours a day, and we've got to get that down to 8 or less... that would mean the world to me, I couldn't put a price tag on that!")

If you’d like examples of answers to these questions… Just hit reply on this email and say “send me the example” and I’ll do exactly that. :)

- Daniel

P.S. Don’t forget—if you want to take us up on the Make You Cry Challenge, click here to apply now so we can take a closer look at your studio and give you the full details.

Only those who apply will get the details.

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At, it’s our mission to build a community of music education entrepreneurs that love building, scaling, and expanding their music studio! We focus on equipping these entrepreneurs with the very best information as it pertains to growing and scaling a successful, profitable music school. We love to help people learn how to market and scale their local and online studios. We do this by showing them how to teach students in a group setting rather than providing a service that can't scale - so they can live a great life and make a great living at the same time.

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