Subject: Would you eat pizza from the trash?

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If someone were to clear my plate at the dinner table before I was done… I would not go digging through the trash can to get that last piece of pizza.

I just wouldn’t do it.

It wouldn’t cross my mind.

It would go against my deepest, ingrained hygiene standards.

This is a STANDARD that I have. A personal standard.

I have business standards, too.

My primary rule?

Don’t “push” my thoughts and feelings and beliefs on to a client.

I only care what my customers and clients think. I want to learn from them how they think.

For instance, when I do fall registration in my studio, I include a number of questions asking for feedback and ideas from my studio parents.

I want to learn the challenges they are having with their kids.

I want to learn about the goals and aspirations they have for their children.

It’s also why I want to learn from you what resources would be helpful to you.

What questions do you have? What problems are you trying to solve in your studio? What resources could I make for you to make your business life easier?

I wouldn’t eat pizza from the trash.

And… I wouldn’t pretend to know you better than you know yourself!

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I look forward to hearing from you!

Very best,
