Subject: Who should NOT join Accelerator

The Accelerator opens tomorrow.

However, in advance of the full program description, I want to give you one thing to think about today.

Race to the Bottom of the Barrel

Over the past five years, I have seen our industry get overrun with tons of new coaches, consultants, and course sellers.

I’ve watched with amusement at the messaging from these people:

“Get as many students as possible with as little work as possible!”

“Click here to learn my secret trick for getting dozens of leads per month” (spoiler alert: it's posting 5 times a day on Instagram - yech)

“Just raise your rates! That solves all your problems!”

Yeah, I’m paraphrasing, but this isn’t that far from the truth as I’ve watched these folks race to the bottom of the barrel.

I’ve had to get more conservative in my messaging, simply to avoid getting lumped in with these ne’er do wells.

Yes, I want things to feel easy.

Yes, I want things to be as simple as possible.

But, these things feel easy not because of a hack or a technique or “secret method.”

Things feel easy when you’re highly skilled.

Skill is on the other side of hard work, perseverance, and a long commitment in a particular direction.

Who I’m Looking For

There’s a certain type of person I’m looking for to join and be a long time client of this program.

Who am I looking for?

I’m looking for business owners that exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Willing to sacrifice in the short term to achieve their long term goals

  • Open to being challenged and want to increase their mental toughness

  • They value themselves so much that they are willing to invest HEAVILY on their own development and growth

  • Don't just SAY they want to make more money... they're actually willing to do whatever it takes (ethically speaking, of course) to increase their income every year - and that doesn't always mean just "raising rates again"

  • They're willing to be honest, real, and raw with another human being - they won't hold back in a conversation

Conversely, I’m not interested in working with business owners who think or act this way:

  • Approach advice, consulting, or new information with suspicion. They're not open. They're looking for proof that it's not good advice, instead of being neutral or positive to the advice or knowledge. They assume it must be wrong and the coach has to "prove it right."

  • Talk a lot, but don't take action. These people waste the time of their coach and can bring down a community with their negativity and apathy.

  • Quit easily. These people will try something one time, it doesn't work right away, and then they blame everyone and everything but themselves.

  • In all the years of having my courses, I've had a small % of people join who exhibited a victim mentality. They never achieve success. They are invulnerable to insight. I can't help them, because they actually don't want help. They want their victim story too much.

If you are in the first category, I can take your desire … run it through our coaching process…

And a better, stronger, happier, calmer, wealthier business owner will come out the other side.

But, if you are in the second category, I would urge you not to join this program.


Because you will not be a good fit.

Studio Business Athletes

There is no advertising system for your studio that requires no skill to run.

There is no hiring system that will always bring you the best candidates.

There is no organization system that is “easy” or “fun” to use.

There is no secret hack that will get your students to practice all the time.

There is no shortcut to success.

Why am I telling you this?

In the last five years that I ran my studio, I was getting hundreds of lesson requests per year.

My retention was crazy high.

I was making six figures per year teaching 20 hours per week.

I had an assistant that did all my admin.

I barely did any work other than the teaching.

And even the teaching felt easy.

I hired many different coaches.

I was able to invest heavily into my business ventures.

I was able to start a 2nd and 3rd business.

My wife and I went on weekend getaways. 

We took our son to Disney four times in 3 years.

We went to Manhattan and Chicago for annual holiday trips.

We hired personal trainers.

We planned a two week trip to Italy to attend the wedding of a very good friend of ours.

How? How was this possible?

Because of the intense effort I put into building skills to make all those things “magically” show up.

I had become a business athlete.

How do you get “strong” in business?


You put in the time.

The reps.

If you say you want to make more, have success, make your business feel effortless...

What you’re actually saying is that you want the business equivalent of what this guy looks like above.

Anyone who tells you that you can get there without putting in serious work first is selling you a load of garbage.

There’s no “hack” to being able to deadlift 500 pounds.

Just like there’s no “hack” to getting dozens of leads per month or making 20% or 40% margins in your studio.

You train.

You put in the reps.


If you’re smart you get a good coach to help you train better, smarter, faster, harder.

That’s what is on offer here in this program.

And I’m excited to introduce it to you tomorrow.

If you want to become a strong, confident business athlete… you are in the right place.



PS> Barring any technical difficulties, we will be opening the doors at 1pm Eastern time tomorrow.