Subject: What to say to pushy studio parents?

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It’s not my intention to bad-mouth the people we serve… namely, the families in our studio.

However, when you work in a service business (like a music studio)... you will run up against any number of these issues:
  • Parents second-guessing your judgment
  • Parents assuming that they know better than you how to run your studio
  • Families quitting over new policies or programs that you implement in your studio
That is the subject of today’s video:

How do you deal with conflicting opinions on how your studio should be run?

There are far-reaching implications here… How do you deal with this with:
  • Raising rates
  • Format changes (like switching to group classes)
  • Disagreements over rescheduled lessons
  • Disagreements over policies
In this video, I go deeper than tactics… I want to give you examples of exactly what I say to families over issues like these.

Click below to watch this video:

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Have a great day!


PS> I’ll be sending an email each day this week… watch out for those!

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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