Subject: [VIDEO] What if I just want to make more money?


A quick email this afternoon to answer a question about the Studio Growth Accelerator Program!

(Which - by the way - closes tonight at midnight!)

The program will be closed for a month or two unless you register TODAY.

Someone asked a great question earlier this week, and I wanted to send out a public response.

I'm going to paraphrase, but the person basically asked:

"What if I don't want to work on mindset? What if I just want to make more money?"

I love this question.

So, I made a video about it that you can watch here:

If you're ready to get to work and make a difference in your life and business...

You can learn about or register for the program here

There is a full program description at that link.

Also… don’t forget you can get a “bonus” discount on the program… check out the PS below!

Registration closes tonight at 12 midnight EST.


Want me to make a video for you? I would love nothing more than to make videos for people for the rest of the day!

Send me a question!

Very best,


PS> No one learned an instrument by taking lessons for one month.

You know that the more committed a student is… the better their results.

We are looking for committed business owners who want to level up.

So, while you can choose a month-to-month option… if you’d like to enjoy the additional discount just type in “SIXMONTHS” in the coupon code at checkout and your membership will be automatically and permanently discounted.