Subject: [VIDEO] Studio website frustrations


I love writing the Grow Your Music Studio blog.

It has allowed me to meet and help a large number of people.

One of those people is Courtney Downes... who I met in one of the piano teacher forums on Facebook.

She was feeling frustration around her website... there are so many unwritten rules, best practices, and marketing tricks... she felt as if she couldn't keep it all straight.

We decided to have a conversation together about her site.

To help you, I recorded this conversation. Below is an excerpt from that longer conversation, in which we cover the following topics:

- The best Wordpress themes for those who want great SEO, but an easy time building the site

- Myths and outright lies about SEO

- The Wordpress plugin that will instantly boost the number of potential students visiting your site... there's no cost to use it!

- How Google can kill your business - and what to do to avoid it

- The free tool that allows you to "spy" on your site visitors so you can know exactly what they are clicking and thinking

- The #1 thing you MUST put on every page of your site

- And so many more helpful topics!

There is so much to learn here!


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