Subject: [VIDEO] Most valuable lesson I learned

Yesterday, I gave an “inside look” at how I got kids to sight-read music easily.

Today, I want to give you a look at how we help studio owners get to their goals.

Alyssa (one of Grow's coaches) and I use a 3-step framework… something that you could use personally if you were so inclined.

I’m using these questions on myself, as I plan for more success in 2022.

If you’d like to know what that framework is, just click the link below and skip to 42:11 in the video.

NOTE: We released this video several months ago, but didn’t really promote it all that much. Not many people saw it! There is a lot of gold in this video.

Here’s just a sampling of what I cover in the video:

  • The 3 questions I ask my coaching clients… and myself

  • The true story of how I increased my studio’s income by $2k in 30 days

  • How to take what I learned and apply it for yourself

  • Practical tips on getting more results out of your students

  • What to do if you've been "burned" by a business coach before (and warning signs to help you avoid making the same mistake again)

  • Why most “peer group” coaching and Facebook groups don’t actually help all that much

If you are considering joining our Accelerator program next week, this is a must-watch video.

How will you know if you should apply for this program?

I’ve created a list to help you know if this is for you or not!

If even one or two of these items are true of you… it would be reason enough to apply.

If many of these describe you… then it’s a no-brainer:

  • You want a 1-on-1 coach that can answer your questions and challenge you in your career

  • You want a professional relationship that keeps you accountable

  • You want a professional coach who has worked in our industry that can share a different perspective on your business and career… and manages a studio that does at least $500k revenue a year

  • You want someone who can identify where you are stuck and give you tools that are unique to YOU to get you to the next level

  • You don’t want to have to sift through courses, blog posts, videos, books, Facebook groups, or pre-recorded videos to find information - you want answers as quickly as possible

  • You already possess motivation for change and want someone to push you to the next level

  • You want someone who can help you discard 95% of the things on your to-do list and identify the 1 - 3 actions that you should take THIS month to get you to where you want to be

  • You want someone to help you develop mid- and long-term goals… and then actually support you as you make progress towards them

It doesn’t matter what size your studio or school is.

  • You can be a single-teacher or multi-teacher studio

  • You can have 10 students or 500 students

  • It doesn’t matter if you are doing lessons in your home, in a commercial location, or online

What matters is that you want growth and have a desire to make that change.

If you'd like to influence the program or signal your interest...

Just click the button below to leave me feedback.

Registration for the program begins this coming Monday, December 27th.

We look forward to working with you!

