Subject: [VIDEO] Forcing students to pay on time

Several months ago, we quietly published a video conversation between me and one of Grow’s Accelerator coaches.

Not many people saw the video… we didn’t promote it too heavily.

But, if you miss this video… you would be missing out…

Because the video gives a formula for collecting delinquent payments and forcing people to give 30 days notice… with legal enforceability.

In the 16 years I have been in this industry, I have never heard of a studio utilizing this strategy until I met Alyssa… one of our top-notch coaches.

You’re going to want to watch this short video:

This is just a small taste of what it is like to work with us in the Accelerator program.

We’re teaching and coaching studio owners… and helping them upgrade their studios in 2022.

Registration closes tomorrow night, January 1st, 2022 at 12 midnight.



PS> If you’d like to learn more about the coaching program and the individualized, 1-to-1 attention you’ll get… You can read about it here:

More information about the Accelerator program (registration information, as well)