Subject: [VIDEO] Easy Process for Getting Studio Testimonials

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You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive information and studio resources from I’m tackling common studio problems and studio owner questions throughout the month of September… watch your inbox each day!

“Parents just don’t email me back!”

“I’m having to constantly remind parents of my policies… it’s like they have amnesia. They are completely unengaged”

“I can’t remember the last time everyone paid tuition on time.”

These are common complaints from studio owners.

It’s tough to get parents to respond.

So - it might seem like asking for a miracle to actually get parents to give you a testimonial.

Yet… getting testimonials for your studio can do many positive things for you (including improving your SEO with Google - true story)

In today’s video, you will learn:
  • Why getting testimonials is so important
  • The technique I use to get my testimonials showing up all over the web
  • The way I “plan” to get testimonials… so that parents don’t forget to leave me a testimonial
  • How to put testimonials on your studio site so that you have maximum credibility with someone who is investigating your studio
  • How testimonials have led to greater retention in my studio… not an exaggeration
Click below to watch:

Throughout the month of September, I will be answering your questions and this is another installment in that series of live and pre-recorded videos that I’m creating.

Do you have questions? Did you like this video? Did you dislike this video? I won’t know if you don’t tell me! Just hit reply… I read every email that I get.

Very best,

PS> It’s not too late to submit a question to be answered this month! Click here to submit your question and I’ll answer it on video.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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