Subject: Upside-down video

Last Friday, I broadcast a “how-to” video about fall enrollment.

Unfortunately, the video was UPSIDE DOWN.

I immediately started getting emails and Facebook messages.

They ranged from helpful….  (“Daniel, just wanted you to know that your video is upside down!)

… To conspiratorial (several people sent messages asking if this was all a trick to get people to watch and like the video).

The truth?

Our video publishing software screwed up when relaying the video to Facebook and YouTube.

So - we have re-published the video and you can now watch it on Facebook or YouTube… or look at it on our blog:

In the video, I cover the following topics:

  • How to get 100% participation on your fall enrollment

  • How to get families to respond to your emails and messages

  • How I used a fall re-enrollment survey to get valuable information that I used in my marketing

This is a really practical video… And this “technique” only works during fall enrollment… so I’m teaching this in advance so you can prepare!

And - if you think this is helpful, could you please drop a like on the video or share it with a friend

Since I had to delete the previous video, I’m going to get penalized on my Facebook page or YouTube channel.

Thanks! Have a great week!

Very best,


PS> We recently announced a new project that I’m working on with my friend Greg Genter

This is a brand new way to teach group lessons that is especially good for mid-size and larger studios…. Greg’s powerful group system has the capability of seeing 24 kids per hour with just two teachers

Early next week, we are going to premiere a new series of videos with Greg… in which we look at this brand new way of teaching group piano lessons