Subject: Turn off the negativity

A short, inspiring story today… Very different than what you’ll find on social media and the television.

Last fall, a teacher came to me with these problems. Due to the personal nature of this story, we’ll call him Chris*:

  1. Was working 7 days per week and wanted desperately to take the weekends off

  2. Was scared of his clients and let them walk over him

  3. Couldn’t say “no”

  4. Didn’t have the time or margin in his life to do the work he needed to do to solve the problems mentioned above

  5. Had no plan for changing his schedule, expanding his studio, or changing the leadership dynamic in his studio

Fast forward five months…

Here’s the story now. With the help of our coach Alyssa, he has:

  1. Created healthy boundaries in his studio

  2. Cut back his teaching hours (by saying no to demanding families)

  3. Had the time to expand his marketing so that he could attract the kinds of students he really wants to work with

  4. Increased his income

  5. Has become an invaluable member of the Accelerator community and masterminds… helping other teachers in our community

This is why I created Studio Growth Accelerator…

Hiring a 1-on-1 mentor was one of the defining moments in my business life.

His name is Dave.

I flew out to Oregon to work with Dave in 2019

He helped me see what I couldn’t see.

He helped me create a plan to solve my most pressing business challenges.

He helped me execute on that plan.

That’s what we do for music school owners in the Accelerator.

We help them tame the chaos and create:

  1. Better income

  2. Better marketing

  3. Better curriculum

  4. Better retention

  5. Better hours

  6. Better students

  7. Better team

You may not need (or even want) all of these... but if even one of these applies to you, just click below.

If you’d like the invite this coming Monday, click here to fill out the application.

Only those who fill out the application will get the invite.

Very best,


PS>  If you’d like to learn more about how big changes can happen so fast, you can watch this FREE mini-training that Alyssa and I created last fall.