Subject: Trust and Ugly Marketing

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You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive helpful, educational emails from Grow Your Music Studio. Throughout December, I’m going to be sending you positive stories and helpful thoughts about studio business.

This is leading up to enrollment for the January class of Studio Marketing Masterclass. More details on that later in the month. But for now...

Let’s get started!

I want to show you something practical today. Something that you can do immediately.

Business isn’t hard. You simply need to follow these steps:

1- Create an offer.

2- Communicate your offer to the people who could benefit.

3- Serve and love those customers.

Easy, right?

It is easy.

However, there is an addition that will make the formula work a LOT better...

The Trust “Catch-22”

One of my mentors told me something that I have never forgotten:

“If you want to win in business, qualify buyers better and build trust faster.”

This is 100% true.

If you can identify a great customer… and earn their trust… you have an advantage that others will envy.

How do you do this? How do you build trust with someone who doesn’t know you?

It’s the great Catch-22.

We know our customers love us. They enjoy our services, our lessons, our programs, our camps.

How do we transfer those positive feelings to a new person who is (at best) emotionally neutral and (at worst) suspicious of us?

Authentic Testimonials

I think of the best things you can do on your teaching website, on a landing page, or in an email to a prospective student is show what your current families think of you.

But - I recommend that you don’t try to “gloss it up” or make it look fancy!

Compare these two testimonials:

The first is glossy, it’s “social media” friendly, it “looks” like marketing, Gary Vaynerchuk would approve!

The message is powerful, but it looks… produced. Engineered. Fake.

Now, compare that to this:

The message is powerful. But, it’s not pretty.

And that’s ok!

There’s something far more trustworthy about this than the over-engineered, “pretty” Instagram-ready post above.

So, what’s the tactic?

The Tactic You Can Use

So, what should you do?

Very simple.

Somewhere on your studio website, I want you to create a page of screenshots. Just screenshot testimonials from your customers, emails from your customers, “excited utterances” from your customers, comments from social media.

You can ask for them or you can gather screenshots of “naturally occurring” posts.

It will look a lot like this:
(NOTE: you might have to turn your device sideways / pinch to zoom to read some of these!)

And another:

And another:

And another:

And another from a client who started a brand new program in Manhattan and got it to almost full capacity in just a few months:

This is how you build trust.

Brick by brick.

Email by email.

Post by post.

Love your customers. Serve your customers.

The feedback you get will be astounding.

And then share that feedback with the world.

It’s easy.


PS> I will be sending you a number of emails throughout the month of December helping to prepare you for success in 2020. Keep watching out for these!

On the other hand, if you don’t like receiving helpful emails, you can unsubscribe by clicking here.

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