Subject: Throw out Grandma’s Wedding Photos

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I’d like to introduce you to the most ruthless woman I’ve ever met: Marie Kondo.

You might recognize her from her Netflix show that was released a few months ago.

If you don’t know her, I’ll give you the brief rundown.

Marie has been obsessed with organization and decluttering since she was in grade school.

She tells stories of coming home from school and spending happy hours cleaning her room.

The obsession didn’t end in her childhood.

She chose to be a professional “de-cluttering” consultant…. First in her homeland of Japan, and now globally.

In her late 20’s, Marie published her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. She has been a lightning rod of controversy since that time.


I’ll show you.

Socks and Grandma
Here are a few excerpts from her book:

“Have you ever had the experience where you thought what you were doing was a good thing but later learned that it had hurt someone? At the time, you were totally unconcerned, oblivious to the other person’s feelings. This is somewhat similar to the way many of us treat our socks. Never, ever tie up your stockings. Never, ever ball up your socks. [emphasis is in the original text]

And, check this out:

“Photographs exist only to show a specific event or time. Sometimes people keep a mass of photos in a big box with the intention of enjoying them someday in their old age. I can tell you now that “someday” never comes. I can’t count how many boxes of unsorted photographs I have seen that were left by someone who has passed away.”

She then proceeds to advise the person to discard her grandparents photos!

Now, it has become very fashionable to hate on Marie (I’m sure she’s really broken up about this when she takes a break from counting her Netflix money).

But, I actually appreciate her. At the heart of her philosophy is something that I think music school owners should take to heart.

Declutter Your Music School
I have noticed a trend over the past year.

The advice given to music school owners has multiplied exponentially.

Every day there are new posts written about what you “need” to do to “save your studio” or make it better.


During this same time, the number of videos and emails I’ve been making has decreased.

After all, there’s only so many times I can say the same thing, right?

I’ve been tempted to join the “arms race” of studio advice givers… but I can’t do it in good conscience.

You don’t need all that junk to have a successful music studio or school!

During the month of April, I’m going back to basics… and I’m going to invite you to join me to “declutter” your music school.

Declutter how you teach (you don’t need every new technique or fad or supplementary book)

Declutter how you market (your studio doesn’t need a podcast, 5 social media channels, or fancy videos)

Declutter how you run your studio (you don’t need tons of fancy software or complicated retention strategies)

I pose a simple question.

Would you like to learn how to run your studio as simply as possible?

If so, I’m creating a series of articles and videos to show the basics of growth and studio management that I have used in my studio for 15 years.

The goal?

To get more out of your studio while doing less.

If you would like to join me, all you need to do is click the button below.

If you click it, you will receive more emails and videos from me than usual in the month of April. After April, you will not hear from me all that much.

If you don’t click it, you will receive a few more emails from me this week, and then you will only hear from me occasionally after that.

I look forward to sharing these resources with you.

I look forward to helping you make your business life simpler.

Very best,

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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