Subject: The “magic” number for music schools

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No fancy introductions, no funny stuff today.

I want to give you the best piece of advice I can for growing your student base.

It's simple. You will instantly understand it.

All it requires is SOME sort of web presence (web site, personal Facebook page, Instagram profile, Facebook business page).

And - if you do it - you will get more students.

Fair warning though... this advice will cause a problem for you! I'll explain what I mean in a minute.

Here's the advice:

500: The Magic Number

Here's what you need to do.

Get 500 people to find your website or social profiles each month.

That's it.

That's the advice.

When I speak to studio owners, most don't even know how many people are finding their music studio's digital presence each month.

However, when we dig in... I've discovered (working with 100s of studios) that they are getting somewhere between 10 - 50 website or social visitors per month.

This is the reason that they aren't getting students.

It's the reason you aren't getting students.

That number is way too low.

You have to raise that number.

Get it to 500 visits. Problem solved.

The Problem I've Caused

So, here's the problem with advice like this... and similar advice that "studio growth gurus" put out there.

Yes, it is true that big schools are getting 250, 500, 1000 visits per month (and thus, generating lots of leads).


This advice is attempting to reduce an irreducibly complex process to a single piece of advice.

Life doesn't work that way.

I tell you to get 500 visitors... and the immediate questions come up:

"How do I do that?"

"Should I use Facebook ads?"

"What if I can only get it to 100 visitors?"

"How do I even know how to count the people who are visiting my site / Facebook page / Instagram profile?"

It's like trying to train just one of your fingers to play the piano or guitar or violin.

It doesn't work that way.

If you are going to grow your student base (or play music on an instrument)...

You must know everything that you have to do (i.e., understand how marketing a studio works).

You must do it well.

You must do everything well simultaneously.

I'm going to dive deeper into some of those other studio marketing components throughout the month of April.

However, if you'd like to learn the basics, check out our beginner studio marketing training: 

Have a great day!



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