Subject: The “experts” are lying to us!

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I read a fascinating study the other day… and I wanted to share.

I think there are major implications for growing your studio!

I’ll start by asking a simple question:

What is the most effective diet for people who want to get into shape?



South Beach?

Jenny Craig?

Weight Watchers?

There are a lot of options.

And the “experts” at each of these companies give a lot of reasons why their diet is superior.

Well, here’s the truth:

All of the “Proof” is a Distraction

It’s all a bunch of malarkey.

A distraction.

It’s just good marketing.

According to a 2014 study, the differences between individual “branded” diets is so small that they are inconsequential.

That’s right.

They did 48 randomized trials and found that all of the diet programs were equally effective… as long as the test subjects actually stuck to it.

And, therein lies a lesson for a music school owner.

Which Way Should I Market My Studio?

So, what’s the “right way” for marketing a studio?

Facebook Ads?



Word of mouth?


Google Ads?

TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat?

I have my preferences for marketing a music studio.

In fact, I’ve taught 400+ studios how to grow over the past few years (you can read some candid feedback here… or even download the document to read later).

And - I have some pretty strong opinions. I have a “preferred” order. A way that makes sense and feels comfortable to me.

But, I don’t pretend that there’s a “best way.” I really love Google Ads, but I would never “knock” Facebook Ads or SEO.

The truth is:

All of these methods or none of these methods can work for you.

The importance is NOT the marketing method but rather:

  1. The consistency with which you do the marketing

  2. The quality of your copy

  3. The persistence in follow up

  4. The creativity in the “angles” or “hooks” you choose to use

  5. The offer you make

  6. The social proof and testimonials that you can deploy

There is no “magic bullet” traffic source or way of marketing that is going to work better than another.

If you see a blog post or social media post that tries to convince you otherwise… be wary.

If you hear a podcast guest that focuses on a specific “way” of doing things without mentioning the fundamentals… take it with a grain of salt (unless you’re on a low-sodium diet, LOL).

It’s really about those fundamentals (that I mentioned above).

Was this helpful? Do you have questions?

Reach out… I read every email!

Very best,


PS> If you’d like help with those fundamentals, you can send me a message by replying to this email or filling out the contact form on our website.