Subject: The “dark side” of studio growth

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Throughout the month of November, I’m sending studio growth lessons and videos to your inbox. If you don’t care about growing your music teaching business, then you can unsubscribe here. You won’t hear from me again.

Let’s jump into today’s lesson!

There is a dark side to success.

I’m not being overdramatic. I’m not inventing problems.

To grow, you have to get visible.

And - when you get more visible, you attract all kinds of people to your business.

For instance...

On Tuesday of this week, I sent out a light-hearted email about “voting for yourself."

I shared my story. I shared an inspirational message of self-reliance.

And, within an hour, I got this response from someone...


I hope he has a better day soon.


Why share this negative, hateful email?!?!?

I wouldn’t share this with you if there wasn’t an important lesson to be learned here.

Most music studios report that the #1 way they’ve grown is Word of Mouth.

When a music studio owner wants to grow they inevitably move beyond word of mouth...

And begin to interact with people they’ve never met before.

What happens?

Well, the good news is that in 16 years running a music school, I’ve never received an email that rude.

But… it does get harder to convert your leads.


The Lesson

Simply put… word of mouth leads are easier to convert. There is a trust factor involved.

You don’t have that trust with someone who is just discovering you for the first time.

These “cold” leads will be harder to convert. They will be more skeptical.

It takes longer to build trust and rapport… just like it would with any new acquaintance!

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

To help you get more students and make the conversion process easier...

I have distilled 16 years of experience into a workshop that you can watch and implement in a very short period.


In Week 6 of the Masterclass, I go in depth on the following topics:

  • Customers Behaving Badly: I show you the framework I’ve used to build respect and trust from the very first interaction… Which has made it easier to raise rates, keep students, and deal with problem parents. I went from frequent difficult conversations to maybe one “problem” conversation per year (this is not an exaggeration).

  • Persuasive Scripts. I share my best scripts and templates to build trust and rapport with parents… email templates, phone call templates, intro lesson templates, consult templates… It takes a lot of the “brain damage” away when you can just copy what’s been working for me!

  • Scientific Follow Up. There is a “right” way and a “wrong” way to follow up with students. If you do it the wrong way… you’ll have a lot of students disappearing on you. You’ll get a lot of “price shoppers”. And, students won’t “stick.” I show you data-backed, research-backed followup techniques that I’ve been teaching studios for years.

  • Not only that… there is a “right” time and a “wrong” time to follow up with students. I show you the dramatic difference in response and enrollment rate when I changed one simple thing to my follow up process.

  • Student Retention. Student retention isn’t about “attendance bracelets” or other similar gimmicks. There is a method I’ve used to keep my students in studio for years… and - yes - I give you the template for this method too. You can adapt it to your studio in less than a day

To learn all of this (and much more), you can apply to join the Masterclass by clicking the link below.

It takes just a few minutes to apply (answer a few questions about your goals and your studio):

Click here to apply!

Registration for the class begins on November 16th

Only those who apply (and are approved) will get the invite.

I look forward to working with you!

Very best,


PS> I’m going to start releasing new videos soon… answering your marketing questions and sharing results that my clients have recently experienced.

Be on the lookout!