Subject: The best time to plant a tree...

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“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.”

I released an interview with an SEO expert recently. In the interview, we spoke about a concept that I had never heard about when it came to getting more students for my music studio.

Web inflation.

What is it?

Basically, it means that the longer you wait to start a website, register your business with Google, or do local SEO… the harder it will be for you to be the authority in your local area.

This isn’t a hard concept to grasp.

It’s getting more “crowded” on the Internet.

More and more businesses are taking SEO seriously.

Even if you rank right now while not having invested in SEO… all it takes is one or two competitors investing heavily in SEO and you will be knocked off. Very easily.

Better them than you, right?

This is why I interviewed Adam a few weeks ago. I wanted to make you aware of this phenomenon.

And this is also why Adam and I are teaming up to offer a few studios the opportunity to increase your web traffic and leads from Google.

If this would interest you, sign up to talk to me about your SEO… and see if your studio would benefit from a heavy-duty SEO campaign like this.

There’s no charge for the assessment.

Filling out the application doesn’t commit you to anything.

The most qualified applicants will get priority.

