Subject: The Queen’s Gambit

There’s a new show on Netflix called The Queen’s Gambit.

The show follows Elizabeth who is orphaned in the late 1950’s at the age of 8.

At 9 years old, she becomes obsessed with the game of chess. She thinks about it all the time. She sneaks away from class at the orphanage to play chess with the janitor.

She lays in bed at night and imagines the ceiling is a chessboard… and she plays games in her head.

She wins games against the local chess club. She wins state championships. At the age of 17, she plays in the U.S. Open - an unbelievable accomplishment.

She is so good that she travels the world.

13-year-old Elizabeth playing against a state champion

The show makes it very clear that there is something unusual about her. She has genius-level mental capabilities.

She can clearly recall all of her moves from games that she played years before

She lays waste to men who have been playing the game their entire lives. Grandmasters don’t stand a chance against her.

The Danger of “Genius"

This is how filmmakers and storytellers portray success.

The “tortured genius."

The “child prodigy."

The “intuitive master."

We root for these characters because they have some sort of adversity… and the way they escape that adversity is through their superhuman talent.

The danger of shows like these, or superhero movies, or how culture portrays genius... is that we can fall into the trap of believing that success should come easy.

Or, that we are either “born with it” or not.

Well, I’m sorry...

But that’s just not how success works 99.99999999% of the time.

The Boring (but Successful) Amateur

I am an amateur marketer.

I don’t have a degree.

I wasn’t born with a knack for business.

If you were to take my marketing and compare it to the all-time greats… It would be sorely lacking.

Similarly, I train dozens of studio owners every month in the ways of persuasion and studio growth...

They’re amateurs, too.


The marketing for my studio converts like crazy.

And, after just a few months of intense work… the same can be said for the studio owners who study my amateur ways.

Thank goodness that you don’t have to be a genius to fill up your studio!

All you need to do is learn a simple growth system, practice the skill (just like an instrument), and get feedback on the work you do.

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

I wanted to give studio owners around the world the opportunity to learn my studio’s specific marketing system.

Here’s just a taste of the success that studio owners have experienced when they did that with me:

  • A 20-something studio owner just outside of Philadelphia who reluctantly worked with me (during the COVID crisis)… but increased her income by $2k per month in 90 days (and it continues to rise)

  • A husband and wife team in suburban Georgia who grew from ~30 students to 155 in 10 months

  • A struggling studio in London with 4 teachers and 35 students… that grew to 106 students and 9 teachers in 5 months

  • A studio owner in north Boston that had paid agencies to do his ads for him, but had no success. He worked with us (during the COVID crisis) and saw the number of contacts they were getting each month TRIPLE

No business degrees here.

No marketing geniuses.

Just amateurs (like you and me) that wanted success.

We did the work together… and they got the outcome they wanted.

You can enroll in the Masterclass on Monday, November 16th.

If you’d like to do that, you will need to apply here:

Click here to apply!

Only those who apply (and are approved) will get the invite.

I look forward to working with you!

Have a great week,
