Subject: The 3rd spooky Christmas ghost

The final email about group lessons fears!

The past few days we’ve been dealing with the “ghosts” that haunt most studio owners when it comes to starting group lessons.

Just like Mr. Scrooge, I’d like these “ghosts” to teach you a few lessons… so that you can overcome your fear of group and have your best year ever in 2023.

The 3 fears are:

Group Ghost #1: Fear of your clients

Group Ghost #2: Fear of change (equipment, curriculum, etc.)

Group Ghost #3: Fear of the investment

Here’s the final “ghost”...

Group Fear #3

I’m afraid of the investment!

This final fear is perhaps the “scariest” of all…

The fear of investment.

To get your groups started you will need to invest in...

(a) Equipment. You'll need instruments and headphones and other small things so that you can see 3 or more students in each of your groups.

(b) Yourself. You'll need to take time to learn how to run a multi-level group system, as the "rules" for running a multi-level group are quite different from teaching a 1-on-1 lesson.

Yes, you will have to invest a bit of money…

But the return on this investment is going to be huge for you.

Here’s what I mean…

The $100K Challenge

Of all the concepts and emails and videos that I’ve made about group teaching… The $100,000 Challenge has been the most helpful to people considering starting group..

It’s a very simple idea.

The biggest obstacles to beginning group are the “unknowns” surrounding it:

  1. Will I be good at teaching in this new way?

  2. Will it cause my students to quit?

  3. Will I lose the great relationships with my students? Will it not feel as warm and personal anymore?

  4. How do I know what equipment to buy?

These are the fears that studio owners have told me they have.

The $100,000 Challenge is this…

If someone promised to write you a check for $100,000 if you did 3 simple actions… would you take them up on that challenge?

Keep in mind… you don’t have to be successful at it… they’re just going to give you the $100,000.

Would you do it?

Here’s the interesting thing… that is actually what is at stake for every teacher that would begin a group program but something is holding them back!

It was true for me… when I completed my studio’s conversion to group, I was making over six figures per year.

This is what is at stake for you, too!

And - all that’s holding you back is these 3 simple actions:

  1. Choose your equipment

  2. Set up your group room

  3. Send out an invitation email

Seems pretty simple, right?

It really is that easy… many of our alumni have gotten their group program started in less than a month… and in the middle of the school year, too!

For instance, this teacher… who showed me what her income was before and after she took my group lesson training:

By the way, this isn’t a “special case”...

I’ve seen this happen so many times.

Because when you start group lessons… you teach the same hours but you double or triple your capacity!

This is why I created the Successful Group Lessons training…

In this program, I get into the nitty gritty details of how to run a group lesson studio:

- Our group lesson educational training (how to help students fly through their material)

- Our marketing training (how to get parents on board)

- Our logistical training (how to set up your program in person or online)

- Our alumni group (get wisdom from me and hundreds of teachers)

- Our observations (learn by watching how real groups are taught… in person and online!!!)

- Our Q&A sessions (you won’t feel stuck)

- Our “Vault” (I took the time to record 34 bonus videos answering all of the common questions that teachers and studio owners had about teaching group lessons)

Registration for the “holiday” class of SGL opens on December 26th (mark your calendar!)

Don't let the fear of investment keep you from making a hugely profitable and satisfying career decision!

If you’d like all of the details, plus some additional training videos next week… simply click the button below:

You will be directed to a special + included on the special invite list next week.

Have a great day!

Very best,


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At, it’s our mission to build a community of music education entrepreneurs that love building, scaling, and expanding their music studio! We focus on equipping these entrepreneurs with the very best information as it pertains to growing and scaling a successful, profitable music school. We love to help people learn how to market and scale their local and online studios. We do this by showing them how to teach students in a group setting rather than providing a service that can't scale - so they can live a great life and make a great living at the same time.

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