Subject: The 12 Days of (Group) Christmas

Throughout this month, I will send you emails and resources about group lessons.

(By the way, if you don’t want to learn any more about group lessons or don’t want me to email you anymore this month - check the end of this email)

Here’s a December calendar for you. A little "12 Days of Group Christmas" countdown:

Week of December 14th

I will answer your questions and send out resources about group lessons

Week of December 21st

I have some extra special videos that I will share with you about the Blueprint for a Group Studio

December 26th - December 31st

Registration is open for our Successful Group Lessons training

January 1st

Class begins! You can go at your own pace and there will be a series of special Q&A webinars for all of the new registrants

If you’d like access to these group resources...

If you’d like to learn how I maintained a 100 student studio teaching just 23 hours a week...

If you’d like to learn how I raised my rates 40% in two years while teaching students in group...

If you’d like to know how I got parents to support my group lesson program...

If you’d like to join our 250+ strong Alumni community...

Then you only have to do one thing!

Click the button below… and you will be a part of our group lessons month here at Grow Your Music Studio!

Yes! I want the resources!

Also, if you want my free ebook on how to fill a group lesson program… you can download it on that page.

Your choice.

Have a good weekend!

Very best,


PS> If you do NOT want any more emails from me this month about group lessons,  just click this link ---> You will be taken to our Facebook page, and we will note your choice!