Subject: Studio podcast: Yes or no?

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You don’t need a podcast for your teaching studio.

No. You don't.

Be wary of advice that just piles heaps of work on you…
  • You need TikTok!
  • Instagram!
  • A podcast!
  • Complicated referral programs!
There is a studio owner that I'm coaching right now that does almost $2 MILLION in gross revenue per year.

They have a minimal social presence.

They don't have a podcast.

You don't need one either.

But What Should I Do Then?

I've said it many times.

Build one simple funnel. Optimize it. That's it.

I met with a studio owner earlier this month (March 5th) that started working with me in September of last year... she went from confused to confident when it comes to getting new students.

I have been coasting on 1 funnel that I built 8 years ago!!!!

I barely work more than 30 minutes per month on my marketing.

And it's been over half a decade since I've "needed" students. My clients turn more students away in a single month than most studios get in a year.

Get off the treadmill.

Marketing should be simple.


At its core, it should be a system that is relatively hands off.

And be wary of people who insist over and over that you “need” to be doing “fad-of-the-month” marketing tactics (I’m looking at you GaryVee).

Still Have Questions?

Not sure what to do? Not sure how to build a funnel?

I am going to be holding a special Q&A this Thursday (March 19th) at 10:30am EST.

If you have questions about how to respond to the Coronavirus situation, if you have questions about marketing or studio business, questions about online lessons or online group lessons… please submit them at the link below.

This will be free to attend…. This is for everyone in the community, not just my clients and business students.

If you cannot attend, there will be a replay.

I will be sending emails this week with thoughts about studio business and how we can respond in a rational, responsible way to the developing Coronavirus situation.

Very best,

PS> One more thing about the podcast thought.

I’ve noticed that people get offended or their feathers ruffled when I make statements like the ones above.

I’m not trying to go for “shock value” with this email.

I’m simply saying that if I were to make a list of 100 ways to promote a studio in 2020, a podcast wouldn’t make my top 10 list. Probably not even my top 20.

If I were to make a list of 100 ways to retain families or build community, a podcast wouldn’t be near the top of the list for the average studio owner.

That’s why I say you don’t “need” it.

Here’s my context... I work with studio owners each week that feel (a) guilty they aren’t doing enough or (b) confused about what they should be doing.

I have several clients that are overworked single moms. Within the last 3 months, they have asked me if they should start a podcast or if they need to be on TikTok or do they need to post 8 times a week on Instagram, etc. etc. etc.

They heard some “marketing guru” say they needed to be doing all that stuff. And now they’re in panic mode because “they’re not doing enough.”

I’m sorry, but I want to release people like that from that burden. The treadmill.

Now, having said that... I have clients that are doing podcasts... because they enjoy it.

I haven’t recommended they stop it. They love it! So… of course they should do it…

And, if you have a burning desire to do a podcast, please - by all means do it.

BUT IT IS NOT MY FIRST RECOMMENDATION. Which is all that this email is suggesting.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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