Subject: Studio Growth: My #1 Recommendation

Last fall, I had a conversation with the CEO of the popular payments app for music schools.

He asked me a simple question:

"What is your recommendation right now for studios who want to accelerate their growth?"

For those who know me well... you can probably guess what I'll say.

I've been talking about it for over five years.

But - I went into more depth on my story of why I recommend this particular way of getting students... and how much additional revenue it helped bring for my single-teacher studio!

If you'd like to learn this strategy, click below to watch a short, free video on how I added $500k of additional revenue to my studio's bottom line.

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be sharing a number of educational resources in advance of enrollment for my premier marketing training: Studio Marketing Masterclass.

I want to give other studio owners the tools that I did not have at the beginning of my journey:

  • A solid plan for incredible growth

  • Templates for ads, for websites, for emails, and for a persuasive online presence

  • Personalized studio marketing help

  • Personalized studio marketing evaluation

I didn't have this...

But, I give this to every studio owner that joins Studio Marketing Masterclass.

You can apply to join this coming Monday, April 26th.

Would you like that? 

Click Here to Receive the Application this Monday

The first class of 2021 begins mid-May.

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply.

Have a great day!

Very best,


PS> This video is an excerpt from a longer interview!

If you'd like to watch the full interview with Eric Branner, the CEO of click here to watch that interview (there are timestamps available).