Subject: Students are from Mars, Teachers are from Venus

This week, I've focused on messaging.

Communicating your value to your customers.

In today's short video, I want to give you a simple, powerful idea to wrap this up...

And, it's from a relationship book that was popular 30 years ago.

(Timeless ideas are worth talking about :))

In this video you will learn:

  • What your customer's "job" is (and how it's bad for you)

  • How to stop people undervaluing you or fighting you on a rate increase

  • The way to get anyone to buy anything (not an exaggeration - it's right at the beginning of the video)

Click below to watch:

If you're ready to:

  • Attract more inquiries and students

  • Learn how to fish (instead of being given a fish)

  • Create connections with new families in your community (or online)

  • Stop reinventing the wheel when it comes to your music school's marketing

  • Take my templates, my emails, my ads, and my funnels and use them for your own studio

  • Develop skill in this area that is important to your business and income

  • Skip years of trial and error with your studio growth

  • Finally get a handle on the "growth" part of your business so you can focus on the parts of music that you truly love

Then I invite you to apply for my Studio Marketing Masterclass.

Just click the button to apply...

Click Here to Apply

The first class of 2021 begins mid-May.

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply.

Have a great weekend!



PS> By the way, today's video is from a longer interview where I talk about many different topics that are of interest to music studio owners.

If you'd like to watch the full interview... click here to watch that interview (there are timestamps available).