Subject: Stinky breath 🤮

Are fewer people looking for music lessons now?

The #1 problem that I encounter for most schools and studios is not enough people reaching out for lessons.


Has demand for lessons decreased since 2020?

Are these schools just invisible?

Does the receptionist just have stinky breath?

I don’t know about the last one…


If you aren’t getting enough contacts, read today’s short email…

Yesterday, I suggested that if your school’s marketing wasn’t converting at 5% or better that there was a problem with your website

In most cases, a “lead problem” comes down to a less-than-stellar website..

The Reason Most Sites Don’t Convert

Understand this: your website isn’t there to get people to sign up for lessons.

*record scratch*


You heard me correctly.

It is not your website’s job to:

  • Convince people how great you are

  • Convince people how great your lessons are

  • Convince people as to the superiority or effectiveness of your approach

  • Get people to understand or agree with your personal philosophy of musical education

  • Deliver information about your policies or methods

  • Get people to register for lessons

  • Get people to follow your social media accounts

Your website has one job:

To convert site visitors into a lead.

That’s it. That’s the only goal.

Whether you are a small studio or a big school, that means all you need is a:

  • Home page

  • Lessons page

  • Contact page

  • Testimonials / Results page

Optionally, you could have a blog or about page… but even that isn’t necessary.

Additionally, your site needs to be persuasive.

That means all of the text on your website needs to:

  • Focus on only what parents need to hear to move to the next stage of your funnel

  • Make specific promises about outcomes that students will get if they work with you

  • Use specific, measurable language when describing your program and the outcomes your students get

  • Follow a “sales letter” framework - a framework that takes into account how humans make decisions

  • Make choosing to work with you a no-brainer by overwhelming them with case studies, stories, and proof of the results that your students get

  • Focus on “results” and customer emotional triggers

  • Shine a light on your prospects and their fears and desires

Keep these things in mind as you work on your website… it is the single most important asset that your studio has.

A great website that converts is often the key difference between a struggling school and a thriving, profitable, growing school

This list will help you become one of those successful, growing schools

Stay tuned throughout the month of November…

I’m going to continue giving lessons on how to grow your business.

And here’s a free training if you’d like to go more in depth

Have a great weekend!



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At, it’s our mission to build a community of music education entrepreneurs that love building, scaling, and expanding their music studio! We focus on equipping these entrepreneurs with the very best information as it pertains to growing and scaling a successful, profitable music school. We love to help people learn how to market and scale their local and online studios. We do this by showing them how to teach students in a group setting rather than providing a service that can't scale - so they can live a great life and make a great living at the same time.

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