Subject: Steal My Facebook Posts

I started Grow Your Music Studio in February of 2016.

After I launched my blog, I discovered something extremely unpleasant…

People started ripping off my website!

Teachers were going to my personal studio website… and copy / pasting everything I wrote on to their websites.

I know that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”... but I think stealing is taking it too far.

Well, I have a great deal for you today…

Take My Facebook Posts

I am giving you permission to look at my studio’s Facebook posts and use them as a template for your own Facebook posts.

I have several templates that you can use... You can see them below.

The great news is that they are “evergreen”... you can use the template over and over again, just like I did for years in my studio.

If you’d like to see those posts, you can do so by watching the “5 Questions” Training that I created to show you how to effectively market your studio..

I’ve also included a few example posts below, such as this video post...

And another example of a post that performed well..

There are more in the video training.

What’s More Important Than The Post Itself?

But, I want to give you one more insight…

What’s more important than the post?

The strategy behind the post.

Anyone can make a good Facebook post… but if you want to actually get results with Facebook, there’s more going on here than meets the eye.

These Facebook posts serve several purposes (which I go into detail about in the video training.)

  1. Provides value to current students. This is a retention strategy.

  2. Provides value to prospective students. This is a sales strategy.

  3. Is a lead generator for my studio. This is a marketing and growth strategy.

I don’t use social media because it’s “cool” or because some guy on the Internet told me to.

I do it because it works… provided I use it the right way.

If you’d like to learn more, click below to watch the training:

Have a great day!

Very best,


PS> This is just one of the many free resources I'm going to send you this month... in preparation for my marketing training starting in mid-June.

I will personally help you with your studio marketing.

Just click the button to apply...

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply.