Subject: Sometimes you need a helping hand

Good afternoon!

Hello, this is Daniel from the Grow blog.

I have been quiet. I have not written a new post for the Grow Your Music Studio blog in over six weeks.


Because I have been making something for those of you who want to learn more about making more money in your studio with group lessons.

Before I get into that, a short story.......

I don’t know the exact date, but…. around this time in 2004, I began teaching piano.

It was slow going at first... I was far too optimistic about what I could achieve in a short period of time. 

However, I kept at it. Month after month, quarter after quarter. For 2.5 years.

My reward? A full studio of 60 students.

Here’s the punchline:

Yes, I was making good money, but…

I was unhappy. I was working from 3pm - 9pm every single night.

I was working Saturdays.

On Sundays, I had to drive 45 minutes one way to teach two kids in the “well to do” area of my city.

With admin, phone calls, lesson time, prep, time on the phone, time on email, driving around… I was working 40-50 hours per week.

I knew that something needed to change.

The road to a profitable studio

It was in 2008 that I began to slowly convert my studio over to group lessons. It was difficult at first.

I had no good model of how to teach group lessons.

There were no helpful piano teacher blogs on the Internet at the time.

There were no Facebook groups.

There were no good ways to find other teachers who had done it successfully.

I had no idea how to get parents on board. They were VERY suspicious of this new format.

Because of this, I made every mistake in the book. Trial and error was the name of the game.

It took me several years to really get it dialed in.

The result?

I now teach 21 hours per week. My studio makes right around 5 figures per month.

I have my group lesson program completely dialed in. It’s easy, it’s stress free, and it is very profitable.

I had no help. You on the other hand…

The last post I wrote for the blog was about how to make $10,000 per month teaching piano.

I have received an enormous amount of feedback about this blog post… and a lot of people asking for more information and help.

Because of this, I am offering the chance to learn how to replicate my group program.

I am making this available a small number of private teachers and music school owners.

This will involve learning from me directly in a live video program.

When you join, this is what you will learn:

- Exactly what pianos and equipment to buy for your group lesson program
- How to create a group program that see anywhere from 3 - 12 kids at a time
- How to convince 100% of new parents to join your group program
- How to convert a healthy percentage of your current students into a group program in less than one week
- The exact emails and scripts I use to get parents excited about my camps and group program
- How to maintain classroom control without turning into a complete ogre
- How to use popular methods like Faber, Piano Pronto, or Alfred in the group environment… no new curriculum required
- How to help your advanced students move even faster in the group... and speed up the progress of your "slow pokes"
- The counter-intuitive way to market this program... though almost every teacher gets this wrong, I have figured out how to fill these groups

I have personally tested all of this. My coaching clients have tested all of this. It works... I'm just making it available to the rest of the world now in a more affordable package.

In addition, there will be:

- Live group Q&A sessions with me
- Troubleshooting sessions and hot seats with class participants
- Interactions and accountability with other teachers and owners… providing motivation and the FIRE you need to make this happen

If you have ever entertained beginning a HIGHLY profitable group program, this is your opportunity to learn directly from me.

Unlike me, you will not have to struggle and learn by trial and error. I’m going to help you rapidly create a program in your small private studio or large music school.

If you would like to be a part of this class, please apply below. This first class is going to be small and there will be special opportunities for the first people who apply and join.
At your service,

PS> I’m working with action-takers only. This program will be worth your time, and there will be a modest investment required to participate.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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