Subject: Smug teacher gets knocked down a few pegs

Last week, we released a conversation with Adam that gave a lot of GREAT information about getting organic (“free”) traffic to your website.

If you didn’t see that video, you can check it out here.

During the conversation, I stated that if you were paying between $100 - $400 per month for SEO, you were getting ripped off by your developer.

After releasing it, I received a rude message from a reader who said that they were doing just fine and that they thought I was wrong.

I was unfazed, and I asked him simply… 

“OK, how many people are coming to your site each month?”

He mentioned that it was running around 200 visitors per month. He also mentioned that they were doing some paid advertising… so all of that traffic wasn’t even coming from the SEO campaign.

My thoughts?

Those are rookie numbers.

As kindly as possible, I mentioned that in the month of September… Adam’s SEO campaign drew 5,300+ visitors to their studio website!!!!

This campaign not only drew a ton of local traffic but national traffic that fed their online lesson program.

This is the difference between a pro-level campaign and a small-time campaign that is (in my opinion) a waste of time.

I don’t believe in doing things halfway.

You go hard, or you don’t go at all.

If you feel similarly, sign up to talk to me about your SEO… and see if your studio would benefit from a heavy-duty SEO campaign like this.

Filling out the application doesn’t commit you to anything.

The most qualified applicants will get priority.

