Subject: Shark Tooth Test

Would you like more enrollments this fall for your studio?

If so, I am inviting you to take advantage of a number of resources that I’m releasing throughout the month of August… just in time for the rush of enrollments that happens in August and September each year.

The first resource is this video…

If you don’t like video, there is a summary and transcript available for download.

In this presentation, I cover the following topics:

  • 4 phrases that you should never use when promoting your studio… they will confuse parents and they sow the seeds of disloyal customers

  • The “Shark Tooth” Test: Take the test at the beginning of the presentation to discover if you are boring your potential customers

  • How to get students without ads

  • The secret to how I continually invest in my studio, my students, upgraded technology, and the best teaching tools that money can buy.

  • What dance school and karate school owners know about building a big, resilient studio… something that 95% of the school owners in our industry still have not yet figured out!

  • The messaging formula I’ve used for 10 years to keep my studio full with a waiting list

  • WARNING: How word of mouth actually hurt my studio business… and how it can hurt yours, as well!

  • Studio Pricing Formula: I learned something profound from a single sentence in a Seth Godin article 5 years ago… and it completely changed the way I thought about studio pricing. If you are struggling to retain students or build effective marketing, you must learn this value formula.

  • The only 3 reasons that parents don’t join (or stay in) your music program… and how you can address these 3 enormous problems.

  • The “blind spot” that every music teacher and music school owner has… unless you fix it, you will continue to market your studio in a way that doesn’t connect with what causes parents to get out their wallets and BUY NOW

  • 5 marketing tactics that you can deploy in your studio marketing immediately (none of them take very long, and they are all FREE)

  • Much, much more

This is the first of several brand new resources that I’m releasing this month that will help you grow.

Very best,
