Subject: Secret Santa

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Today… with a minimum of commentary… I offer you one of the funniest things I’ve seen regarding the holiday season…

A Secret Santa card that someone filled out in 2014.

Behold the genius of someone who doesn’t want to get saddled with a terrible Christmas gift from their Secret Santa partner:

It seems Scott has really figured out what he wants for Christmas.

I don’t know how this dramatic saga ended, but my hunch is…

Scott got his $15 gift card.

Now, as I think about what I want in 2019…

As you think about what you want to get out of 2019…

We could learn something from Scott.

The “universe” punishes the vague wish… and it rewards the specific ask.

This is one of my rules of goal-setting.

You must get very specific.

Don’t set a goal of “more students” in 2019.

When you set your goal, write down a specific number of students. Write down the specific amount of additional revenue you want to make.

Do this for anything that you deem worthy of pursuit.

This makes success far more likely.

But… that actually leads me to my second rule of goal-setting… one that I forget to use sometimes!

While it’s good to be specific and concrete with your goals… While it’s good to write down the specific outcomes…

You must do exactly the opposite for your actions!

Many times, people get stuck trying to achieve a goal of “Add $2000 more in revenue per month” or other such specific goals.

When pursuing that goal, you must come up with “process-oriented” actions.

Here’s what I mean.

How would you achieve $2000 more per month in revenue?

Well, by adding students!

And how many more students would you need?

Well - for this hypothetical example - let’s say students pay $100 / month to take lessons.

You’d need 20 more students.
OK, how are you going to get 20 more students?

Let’s say 2 additional signups per month for the next 10 months.

How are you going to do that?

Well, you’ll probably need to get more people contacting you.


Here’s a good idea… more people seeing your offer.


Posting in Facebook groups for your local area 4 - 6 times per month.

Do you see what I’m doing here?

I just came up with an ACTION that I can do.

Now, maybe that action doesn’t work.

OK, no big deal. Either get better at the action… or choose a different action.

But you have to change a big goal into actions that you can do on a daily basis.

So, these are two very important rules to achieving goals:
  1. Come up with a very specific outcome oriented goal
  2. Come up with tasks that are “process-oriented”... things that you will do to realize your goals
Have a great holiday… and don’t forget!

I am hosting a 100% free webinar on Friday of this week about setting, achieving, and surpassing your goals in 2019.

If you’d like to attend, simply fill out this short registration form and you will receive an invitation.

The webinar will be at 1pm Eastern time on Friday, December 28th.


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