Subject: Re: new students

A few simple questions for you:

1/ Do you have as many students as you want right now?

2/ If not, do you have a plan to get those students?

3/ If not, would you like to take my plan?

If you answered “YES” on #3… I’d invite you to apply for Studio Marketing Masterclass this Monday.

I know, I know… It’s going to be tough waiting until Monday!

But, it will be worth it!

In this training, I teach everything I’ve ever learned about studio marketing.

And - you can ethically and legally “steal” many of the templates, checklists, and plans that I created in my own studio.

You can even steal my ads and run them for your own studio!

When other studios have done this…. it solved their “student getting” problem.


If you’d like access to this, just click the button above and this will let me know to send you the application next week.

The first class of 2022 begins mid-June.

Full details, costs, and information will be available to those that apply. 

Have a great weekend!



PS> Would you like to influence the videos or podcasts I make in the near future?

If so, just give me your feedback here