Subject: Quality vs Quantity

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Today’s email is a short one… I had to share!

In the book Art & Fear, the author shares a story about the teacher of a ceramics class.

He divided his class into two groups.

The first group he gave a simple order. Their entire semester grade would be determined by the number of pots they created. Period. The more pots, the higher the grade. Quality wasn’t an issue.

The second group would be graded on the quality of their pot. They had to be perfect.

The entire semester passes…

On assessment day, he kept his word.

He counted the pots of the “quantity” group. He assigned grades appropriately.

And, he looked at the perfection of the students in the “quality” group. They didn’t need to bring multiple pots. They simply needed to bring their most perfect, lovely pot.

The class made an observation. The best pots in the entire class were made by the quantity groupnot the quality group!!!!

How could this be?

I will directly quote the book:

“It seems that while the quantity group was busily churning out piles of work - and learning from their mistakes - the quality group had sat around theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay.”

My point?

The Studio Owner’s Dilemma

Every week, I get emails from readers of my blog, watchers of my video, and even my own studio clients (Grow has worked with over 160 studios already this year).

“Is this a good welcome email?"

“What do you think of this ad?"

“Should I join this coaching program?"

“Which is the best calendaring software?"

“Should I start group lessons or not?"

Studio owners are constantly stopping themselves. They theorize about perfection. They don’t want to make the “wrong” move. They think they will waste time or lose money.

My best advice comes from my own personal experience.

Stop the questions.

Just do.

Increase your number of “at bats."

As one of my Facebook ads advisors often says...

“Money loves speed."

Here's the lesson:

Decrease the amount of time it takes you to make a decision… and you’ll increase your growth, your enrollment, your income.

Increase the number of decisions you make… increase the number of mistakes you make… and watch your enrollment and income rise.

Don’t worry about perfection… it’s impossible to achieve.

Your goal should be quantity… not quality!

That’s hard for a musician to hear. We obsess over perfection in our playing, in our students, and in our decisions.

But, it’s the truth.


On a different note… this is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

I wanted studio owners to have access to both!

This program permanently solves the “I’m not getting enough calls or new students” problem.

And, it does it in the most efficient, speedy way possible.

It’s heavy on “action”... light on “theory” or giving you “tips and hacks."

And - best of all - I personally evaluate every single piece of marketing that you create while in the program.

This is why our students find success so quickly.

I invite you to apply to get that personalized help.

Click here to apply!

Registration for the class begins on November 16th.

Only those who apply (and are approved) will get the invite.

I look forward to working with you!

Have a great week,
