Subject: Presidential Alert for Your Studio

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At 2:18p yesterday, the US government tested the emergency alert system… The system that would alert citizens of the United States to an attack on the country, an incoming missile, and other apocalyptic disasters.

In other words, over 200 million people got alerts on their smartphones.

Two interesting things about this:
  1. It’s been in place since the early 2000’s… why are they just now getting around to testing it?
  2. I didn’t receive an alert.
Guess I won’t know when the missiles are coming!

But, this brings up an interesting idea...

Wouldn’t it be great if we could take control of the system and promote our studio with it?

I can’t think of a faster way to get the word out about my studio to 200 million people.

Jokes aside… is there a realistic way to get the word out quickly to people in your area about your studio?

There is… and this is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

In the Masterclass, I am teaching the system that I’ve created to find people, persuade people, and sign up people to my studio.

This is the system that I’ve taught to dozens of studios over the past year.

The same system that helped the owner of a small studio in a brand new area go from ZERO to 25 students in just a few months.

The same system that has helped a mid-sized studio I advised to jump from enrollments of 120 to 215 in less than a year.

The same system that I put in place for large studios of 250, 400… and above.

If you’d like to learn more about this system, I created a free video for you to watch. Click the link below to learn… There’s no sales pitch, no offer. Just an inside look at my marketing system.

And, the feedback I’ve been getting about this video is that it is incredibly informative… I show you things about studio marketing that I’ve never written about on my blog or talked about in my Facebook / YouTube videos.

And, for those asking… I will be revealing all of the details and logistics about Studio Marketing Masterclass this coming Monday… I just have a few final details to nail down!

Very best,

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