Subject: Plagiarism: The key to studio growth?

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I have spent a lot of time and money finding ways to grow my studio business.

I have attended workshops. Read books. Paid for expensive coaching. Taken online courses.

All of them have been immensely helpful. Each has been another milestone in the journey towards my studio’s success.

A strategy that NEVER occurred to me is plagiarism.

“Now, what brings this up?” you might ask…

Let me tell you.

There is - unfortunately - a dark side to the exposure that Grow Your Music Studio has brought to me. Quite frequently (at least once a month), I find that other studio owners have taken the words right off my studio website.

Not phrases, not a sentence or two…

They have literally copied some or all of my studio website word for word.

Is this upsetting? Did I do all that work for nothing? Should I have just been plagiarizing other businesses all along?

No…. and let me tell you why.

Yes, my site is good. The writing is persuasive. But, what these thieves and miscreants don’t realize is that there is nothing magical about the writing on my site.

It’s not just the writing and messaging and persuasion that has brought success to my studio.

It’s the entire funnel… the ads. The site. The look. The writing. How I follow up with people on the phone. What I say in the trial. It’s knowing how to troubleshoot your marketing when things go south or your marketing stops working.

ALL of it has to be good. Every last aspect.

And, so while people have copied my site… and probably will continue to copy my site (and get a letter from my lawyer)... the truth is…

It’s so much easier to sleep at night when YOU have all the answers. When YOU know how to write persuasively. When YOU know how to make great decisions.

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

I have helped over 150 studios with their marketing over the past 18 months. I have helped those studio owners become their own best resource.

And, in October, you can have that opportunity, too… The doors will open to my new program on October 8th.

More details are coming soon!

Very best,

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