Subject: [PIANO BLOG] What you missed in May!

Raising rates in your studio, how to improve your studio website, and my invitation to learn about group lessons....            

This is what you missed in May!

Here's a helpful roundup of everything that you missed!

The Studio Owner's Guide to Raising Rates
In my post on raising rates, you will learn: 

* The reason you should raise your rates - and it has nothing to do with making more money

* The exact email that I used to raise rates 21% in my studio

* How to raise rates without causing people to quit

* The four reasons most studio owners don't raise rates - and how to overcome your fears

* 3 problems that you SOLVE by raising rates

* Cautionary tales - what NOT to do when raising rates

How to Get More Students With Your Studio Website

Next, I published an interview with Courtney Downes, a studio owner from Australia.

We talked at length about her website!

Here's what you'll learn:

- The best Wordpress themes for those who want great SEO, but an easy time building the site

- Myths and outright lies about SEO

- The Wordpress plugin that will instantly boost traffic to your site... there's no cost to use it!

- How Google can kill your business - and what to do to avoid it

- The free tool that allows you to "spy" on your site visitors so you can know exactly what they are clicking and thinking

- The #1 thing you MUST put on every page of your site

There is so much to learn here!

What Do You Want To Learn About Group Lessons?

Finally, I announced that June was going to be group month!

During the month of June, I will be releasing a large amount of content and information around my group program... as well as how to effectively market group lessons.

This will conclude with a class I will be teaching on how to run a successful, high-value group lesson program.

I want this to be as valuable as possible for you!

I would love to know what you want to learn about group lessons!

I'm going to tailor the information and content over the next month to exactly what the Grow Your Music Studio community wants to learn!

Please fill out this survey so I can know exactly what to write and record about my group lesson program!

Look forward to hearing from you!
At your service,

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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