Subject: One phone call changed my studio

Today is the last chance to take advantage of the Grow Your Music Studio Black Friday deal.

What is the deal?

If you join our Get Music Students Now program before midnight tonight...

I will personally consult with you about your marketing, your studio, your business… anything you would like.

I got this idea from one of my marketing mentors.

He offered a similar deal years ago...

If I joined one of his programs, I would get to speak with one of his business coaches.

I joined, and I had that one conversation. It was the first time I had formally worked with a business coach.

It changed my studio forever.

The Phone Call That Changed My Studio

What was so special about this phone call?

At first, nothing.

I started by telling him about my studio, my group lessons, and the marketing I was doing.

I expected him to just listen and answer my questions. A sort of Q&A call.

Fortunately, that isn’t what happened.

He started asking ME questions.

Questions about my numbers, my revenue.

I would bring up a topic and he would insistently ask a series of questions about that topic.

After a while, I figured it out...

He was looking for opportunities.

He found many, but he focused in on just one.

He told me that I was undercharging for my lessons and that I immediately needed to raise my prices.

I got uncomfortable.

I was uncomfortable with the idea and with how to tell him that I didn’t like the idea.

He listened patiently as I tried to ignore his fantastic advice.

He worked with me.

He coached me.

The compromise we came up with was that I would try the new rate on all new students.

The Result?

I decided to raise my prices by 21%.

I expected the worst, but my marketing was already doing well by that point (because I was using the methods that I teach in Get Music Students Now).

But the result?

I signed every single student that inquired that fall at the higher rate.

No one blinked an eye. No one told me no.

But... That phone call did more than help me make more revenue.

It helped me see that I needed an outside perspective.

That’s what I want to give to you.

I don’t know what we’ll find when we work together...

But every time I do the work with a studio owner, we find overlooked opportunities.

These opportunities don’t just lead to more students or more revenue...

These opportunities offer the potential for the studio owner to permanently change their mindset or the way they view their business.

And that is a change that you will carry for the rest of your life!

If you’d like this opportunity, just click the button below...

Click Here to Learn More!

If you have questions, you can reply to this email… I answer every question.

Very best,


PS> Several people have emailed me questions… and I have not yet replied to them because I’m in a cabin in the middle of Hoosier State Forest. I will answer any and all questions later this afternoon when I get back home.

PSS> If you don’t want to hear about this Black Friday / Cyber Monday deal again, just click here now.