Subject: No practice, but lots of results? Is this possible?

Imagine this scenario:

You have a student that insists that they want to become good at music...

But, they tell you up front that they don’t want to do anything hard, or complicated, or actually do all that much practice.

Here’s my question:

Do they actually want to become a skilled musician?

Or, are they just fooling themselves?

They can come up with excuses for why they “don’t have the time."

They can rationalize that they need to find a “more affordable teacher."

They can go seek out YouTube tutorials, I suppose, do it on their own.

I’m all for positive thinking and self-confidence...

There’s never a bad time for a Stuart Smalley gif

But, at a certain point, the student just has to do the work! They need to work with us!

Results Without Practice?

I ask this, because I hear strange things from studio owners sometimes.

They tell me that they want to raise rates...

But, they don’t want to have to rock the boat or risk losing students.

They want more students...

But, they want the “shortcut” to getting students, they don’t want to have to learn about marketing or persuasion or actually craft an “irresistible offer” for their studio.

They want to work fewer hours or make higher margins...

But, they don’t want to “risk” starting a group lesson program (online or in person).

So, the question is...

Do they actually want those things?

It's on my mind because I've met a number of studio owners lately who have been "stuck."

They've literally told me they want results without the work.

They can come up with excuses for why they “don’t have the time."

They can rationalize that they “can’t invest in their studio right now."

They can go seek out advice on Facebook forums, read blog posts, watch videos... I suppose they could do it on their own...

At some point, an action has to be taken. They need to find a “teacher."

Isn’t it interesting how these two scenarios are remarkably similar?

This is why I created Successful Group Lessons.

It’s the training I created in 2017 that helps studio owners start a group lesson program in less than 30 days (if that's what you want - you can obviously take longer if you want).

It does take work. But, it's the most efficient, well-supported path you could take to your goal.

The training walks you through setup, equipment, scheduling, and logistics.

Then, it shows you how to teach 3 - 6 students at a time in a multi-level group (online or in-person).

Then, the training shows you plenty of group lesson observations and gives you lots of practical teaching tools.

After that, it shows you how to market the program and get parents on board.

Finally, it gives you access to support in our alumni community.

I created the training to give studio owners and teachers a step-by-step action plan that makes it as simple as possible.

Not a shortcut.

Not a “quick fix."

Just an efficient path to the goal.

Registration opens on December 26th.

If you’d like to be invited to register, simply click the button below.

When you do, you will be included on our list of people who will get complete program details the next two weeks… and you will be taken to our group lesson resource page.

Yes, I would like an obligation-free invite!

If you have questions, simply reach out!

Very best,
