Subject: New Studio Growth Guide

There will soon be a new resource available on the Grow blog.

Many people found my site because of my free Ultimate Facebook Guide. This might be true of you, as well!

I wrote that ebook over a year ago. It has been downloaded several thousand times in the past year.

I'm preparing to create a new ebook... once again, it will be free.

However, this ebook will be of specific interest to music school owners.

If you are a music school owner, I would like your input. 

By music school owner, I mean at least ONE of the following is true:
  • You employ at least one other teacher
  • You have at least 75 students in your school
  • You have dedicated office or retail space for your school
If ANY of these are true for you, will you take just 5 minutes to fill out a short survey?

You will be helping out just not yourself... but the entire Grow Your Music Studio community!

Have a great weekend!

PS> I will be creating more videos and blog posts in the coming weeks... keep an eye out for those!

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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