Subject: Never Seen Before MTNA Presentation

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I wanted to make you aware that this Monday (August 3rd) I am premiering a “never-seen-before” expanded digital version of a presentation that I gave for:

  • Music Teacher’s National Association (MTNA) Indiana

  • MTNA Texas

  • MTNA Kentucky

  • MTNA New Jersey

In this presentation, I cover the following topics:

  • 4 phrases that you should never use when promoting your studio… they will confuse parents and they sow the seeds of disloyal customers

  • The “Shark Tooth” Test: Take the test at the beginning of the presentation to discover if you are boring your potential customers

  • How to get students without ads

  • The secret to how I was able to continually invest in my studio, my students, upgraded technology, and the best teaching tools that money can buy.

  • What dance school and karate school owners know about building a big, resilient studio… something that 95% of the school owners in our industry still have not yet figured out

  • The messaging rules I’ve used for 10 years to keep my studio full with a waiting list

  • WARNING: How word of mouth actually hurt my studio business… and how it can hurt yours, as well!

  • Studio Pricing Formula: I learned something profound from a single sentence in a Seth Godin article 5 years ago… and it completely changed the way I thought about studio pricing. If you are struggling to retain students or build effective marketing, you must learn this value formula.

  • The only 3 reasons that parents don’t join (or stay in) your music program… and how you can address these 3 enormous problems.

  • The “blind spot” that every music teacher and music school owner has… unless you fix it, you will continue to market your studio in a way that doesn’t connect with what causes parents to get out their wallets and BUY NOW

  • 5 marketing tactics that you can deploy in your studio marketing immediately (none of them take very long, and they are all FREE)

  • Much, much more

Watch for the announcement email this coming Monday!

Very best,


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