Subject: Need *your* opinion

GROW YOUR MUSIC STUDIO will be offering a brand new mentorship program in 2022.

This is unlike anything that is currently available in our industry...

And I want to give you the opportunity to influence the program before it launches on January 1st.

And I want to give you the opportunity to influence the program.

This program will be focused on giving you:


* Accountability and motivation to do what it takes to get to your goals

* 1-on-1 feedback on your studio's circumstances

* Tools to increase income (without cookie cutter advice)

* A clear plan and roadmap for 2022 and beyond

If even just one of these appeal to you, I urge you to take a few minutes to fill out this survey.

If multiple of these goals are relevant to you... then you DEFINITELY need to answer the questions below!

I look forward to reading your answers!



PS> I talked about mentorship and accountability in my very well received video last week about how to achieve your studio goals in 2022